Legislative elections: participation sharply increased in Corrèze at midday compared to European elections

Legislative elections: participation sharply increased in Corrèze at midday compared to European elections
Legislative elections: participation sharply increased in Corrèze at midday compared to European elections

The Corrèze prefecture has just revealed the participation figures for the first round of the legislative elections, at noon. And at this time, many more voters have turned out to vote than in 2022 or even during the last European elections.

Of the 185,929 voters called to the polls this Sunday, June 30, during the first round of the legislative elections, 32.23% have already slipped their ballot into the ballot box, in Corrèze.

A first result without too many surprises in view of the latest polls, but also a very sharp increase in the number of proxies.

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More voters turn out than in the European elections

This is almost 7 points more than during the European elections which took place on June 9 when the participation figure stood at 25.6%, at the same time.

As is often the case, Corrèze currently has a voter turnout that is significantly higher than the national average. At midday, across the country, turnout stood at 25.9% of registered voters.

For comparison, the participation rate stood at 29.91% in the neighboring department of Lot, also known for voting on average more than the rest of the country.

European elections: participation up very slightly in Corrèze, at midday, compared to 2019 [09/06/2024]

More voters than in 2022 too

At midday, the number of voters in Corrèze is also higher than it was for the first round of the legislative elections in June 2022. At the time, 24.6% of voters had already gone to their polling station at midday, again more than 7 points less than for this new deadline.

This is also more than during the first round of the 2017 legislative elections, during which 28.88% of voters had already voted by midday.

Will the dynamics of these first hours be confirmed? In 2022, at the end of the first round, abstention rose to 43% in Corrèze (41.66% for Tulle-Ussel and 46.15% for Brive).

Turnout stood at 24.6% at noon in the first round of the 2022 legislative elections

Michael Nicolas



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