Greater Albigensian agglomeration: but where had the elected officials gone?

Greater Albigensian agglomeration: but where had the elected officials gone?
Greater Albigensian agglomeration: but where had the elected officials gone?

the essential
Tuesday evening, the ranks of the urban council were sparse. As a result, the vote on the administrative account gave rise to a strange episode.

Traditionally, the troops are often more sparse at the Agglomeration Council in June. The sun, the sports competitions, the end of the school year… The elected officials have their minds elsewhere.
But on Tuesday evening, we broke records for absenteeism (some of the elected officials had not given a proxy and some had not been excused). So much so that it was necessary to review the configuration of the room so that Stéphanie Guiraud-Chaumeil, the president, did not find herself alone at the central table. President who made a little dig at an absent elected official, who was to present a deliberation: “I hope he had a setback and not a football match”. In the end, he won’t come.
Remember that on Tuesday evening, elected officials had to vote on the administrative account of the intercommunity. A strong moment in political life, which validates the past year and the policy put in place.
A vote which gave rise to a rather strange episode. As the president does not have the right to vote on the administrative account, it is her vice president who is in charge. Except that on Tuesday evening, the first three vice-presidents of the Agglomeration were missing. The president then asks Anne-Marie Rosé, mayor of Marssac, and 4th vice-president to take charge. But against all expectations, the latter refuses. Philippe Granier, 6th vice-president and mayor of Cambon is then appointed. The latter is not really used to the exercise and does not necessarily know the names of all the Albigensian elected officials. But after a little time to adapt, he did pretty well.
The vote on the administrative account, like the amending budget, did not give rise to any debate or question. Like the vast majority of subjects covered. Sad spectacle! However, it is at the Agglo that the future of the territory is largely decided.



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