a municipal council under the sign of social ties

a municipal council under the sign of social ties
a municipal council under the sign of social ties

Although it was greatly shortened due to the legislative elections, the Marseille city council meeting this Friday still debated a number of major issues. In particular, the budgetary question, since the deputy (PS) in charge of finances, Joël Canicave, presented the city’s administrative account for the year 2023. A technical subject but with very concrete consequences. This is the real state of our community, a formal document that traces where and how the money of the people of Marseille is invested. », Explains the general budget rapporteur. Before boasting “ the lasting continuation of our debt reduction » et « rigorous management of public accounts » led by the municipal team ” Since 2020, he indicates, these are 236 million euros of debt reduction […] with increasing investments ».

Not enough to receive applause from the right-wing opposition, however. Through the voice of Pierre Robin (LR), who denounces “ a tax bludgeoning » and attributes these good results to “ the increase in taxation “. This last tackle also “ the left which defends the public service [mais qui] has massively recruited contract workers “. Enough to bring the deputy (PS) Laurent Lhardit to the forefront. According to him, ” This is the best administrative account that Marseille has ever known, that’s the reality ! “. Joël Canicave follows suit: ” You are not the ones who are going to defend the public service. ! ».

44 social centers open this summer

A pass of arms which contrasts with the unanimous and vibrant tribute paid by the entire hemicycle, at the opening of the session, to the late former mayor of Marseille, Jean-Claude Gaudin, with a minute of silence preceded by a speech by Catherine Pila (LR). The park of 26e centenary will also be renamed the park of the 26the centenary – Jean-Claude Gaudin.

In short, with 240 million euros of investments, municipal action allows the implementation of numerous measures. to bring the city to life “. Like an increase in subsidies to various associations and essential structures in Marseille, such as for the Scic de la Friche Belle de Mai for major works. Similarly, the deputy (PCF) for social action, Audrey Garino, welcomes ” reinforced commitment to social actions », with a new envelope of 3 million euros voted in particular « to reduce poverty […] the isolation of seniors and the most vulnerable ».

In this vein, the free school kits for young schoolchildren in Marseille will be extended to all children in school for the next school year. Increased support for social centers for those opening this summer has also been agreed. 44 social centres to open in August “, rejoices Ahmed Heddadi, deputy (DVG) in charge of social ties. A nice progression since last year, since there were only 19 at the time. And to top it all off, the ” principle of free access to sporting and cultural events in the Marseille summer » was also confirmed.

Amaury Baqué



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