“I take responsibility for my parachute.” Alexandre Allegret-Pilot, candidate of Éric Ciotti supported by the RN in the 5th constituency of Gard

“I take responsibility for my parachute.” Alexandre Allegret-Pilot, candidate of Éric Ciotti supported by the RN in the 5th constituency of Gard
“I take responsibility for my parachute.” Alexandre Allegret-Pilot, candidate of Éric Ciotti supported by the RN in the 5th constituency of Gard

This 35-year-old former Savoyard enarque, currently a senior official at the Ministry of Finance, is a candidate in the 5th constituency of Gard under the aegis of Éric Ciotti, with the support of the RN.

You are invested by Éric Ciotti and supported by the RN for the 5th constituency of Gard. Given your pedigree (ENA, Essec, Ministry of Finance), why come and campaign in this constituency?

Éric Ciotti and Jordan Bardella asked me to come and help move the circo back to the right. It happens to be a territory I have a lot of affection for. I was very happy to accept their proposals.

You say you like this constituency?

I had the opportunity to live there, I had a few friends there. My substitute knows her very well. But regardless of that, I consider it my duty to defend the inhabitants of the constituency in which I am presenting, and above all to help right-wing and reasonable people facing the risk of the extreme left.

What are the needs of this constituency?

It has specific needs for itself, particularly in terms of enclaves, services and also in terms of water supply. There is also a particularly high poverty rate. It also addresses issues that encompass all French people: purchasing power, security, citizenship with immigration and integration.

Not being from there, aren’t you afraid that your “parachuted” situation will hamper your application?

I assume my parachute. How many generations should my ancestors have lived here to defend the interests of its inhabitants? I am confident in my abilities to defend its interests and those of all French people. Today, the far left embodied by LFI or by Nupes (sic) no longer defends the workers. This is what I do on a daily basis: supporting businesses in difficulty at the ministry and saving jobs. This is my core business.

So a re-election of Michel Sala (outgoing MP, LFI/NFP) would be synonymous with a flood for you?

There are several ways of looking at things. On the national dimension, this would only strengthen the position of the far left in the Assembly and we know what the result would be: LFI is the open door to anti-Semitism and homophobia. This opens the door to harmful budgetary policies.

Homophobia? Are LFI activists homophobic?

I’m not going to make a generalization. But I can send you a number of openly homophobic positions. Because LFI is flirting with a fundamentalist Muslim electorate. They have both progressive people in their ranks and fundamentalists in their ranks. At some point, it’s going to be civil war. It’s the only party that invests S files! Do you realize the gravity? You have here several potential scourges: anti-Semitism, homophobia, budgetary catastrophe and there is, in the end, the systematic desire for French cultural destruction.

Are you referring to the theory of the great replacement?

I’m referring to anything French being seen in a negative way. For the far left, the French are, by definition, bad. It’s a logic of self-hatred. I’m sorry, I don’t want Pol Pot, Stalin, or Mao Zedong at the head of France.



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