National Rally: “We were ready”

National Rally: “We were ready”
National Rally: “We were ready”

Express tsunami. Faced, like the local headquarters of political parties, with the insane schedule caused by the dissolution, the editorial staff of If Saint-Etienne will not be able to be as exhaustive as in 2022, a year with double electoral deadlines. Nevertheless, our site has tried to contact, as far as possible, as many training courses as possible in order to understand their strategy, their presence throughout the department and their proposals by 1is tour this Sunday.

Second part devoted to the RN of the Loire, one of only three formations present in each of the districts of the territory.

Michel Lucas, departmental delegate of the RN.

It didn’t drag on. Because they were fully prepared for it, they emphasize. Almost in the wake of the dissolution demanded for the umpteenth time by the RN, this time the day after the European elections, the party was able in the Loire to announce its candidates in the six constituencies of the department. “In any case, we have been expecting this scenario since the 2022 legislative elections. And there has been no shortage of warning signs of this decision in recent months. So yes, in accordance with national instructions, we were ready for this eventualityexplains Michel Lucas, departmental delegate of the RN. Even if the parity requirement is not always easy to apply and raises some doubts. However, we were very quickly able to present names for each riding. A list of candidates very close to that of the 2022 legislative elections.”

So, do we take the same ones and start again? Not quite. In addition to some marginal modifications (inversion of constituencies for substitutes, new substitutes), the game of alliances is also a parameter to take into account for the RN which, ultimately had to make a single but serious adjustment in its initial list of candidates by leaving first place to a representative of Debout la France, its fully unique ally, for the 4e constituency (Ondaine / Haut Forez / Pilat). Sent by Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s party, Gerbert Rambaud carried out a small parachute drop from the neighboring Rhône. No agreement with Reconquête on the other hand, in accordance with the national situation, although a figure of this same formation, prominent at the local level, the courageous Isabelle Surply decided not to go there to leave the field open to the RN .

The Macronist record in the viewfinder

When we talk about the RN program, Michel Lucas, like others, immediately targets the results of Macronist governance: “We are designated as future people incapable of governing, of having unrealistic proposals: who put the country in a dramatic situation? Who put him in such debt? Covid? Certainly, but we wonder where more than half of the €600 billion spent on whatever it costs has gone. This is symptomatic: the expenditure of public money continues to grow and paradoxically the country is getting worse with shortages and crises in all areas. » The program defended by the RN is close to 2022, “adapted” to the evolution of issues, specifies Michel Lucas. “Our priority is to restore purchasing power. Next comes security: we must quickly restore order. There is the fight against the migratory overwhelm that we are experiencing. Yes, there has always been immigration in this country and it has not always been a problem, but here we are experiencing overwhelm. This is not our only subject: support for farmers, health with the idea of ​​immediately bringing doctors out of retirement through tax advantages to respond to the emergency initially or even real administrative simplification. »

And above all that, “ensure France is respected”. « We are not an extreme partyargues Michel Lucas. The extreme, we find it more on the left than on the right in this country… Their attitude proves it every day. Let no one come and give us lessons in authoritarianism from a government subscribed to 49.3 while we keep announcing referendums that are more democratic than ever on important subjects. I don’t see how it is extremist to enforce the law, the State, to put an end to the circulation of 1 million illegal health cards, to put an end to tax evasion, to social fraud, to ensure that people live off their work. All of this, in the eyes of the RN, must make it possible to regain a solid financial base to compensate for current public spending, even reduced by its “care”, or that induced by its projects.

According to the RN, this restoration of order involves the need for an audit of public finances advocated by Jordan Bardella and therefore relayed by Michel Lucas who is surprised, at the same time, by the explosion considered nebulous in energy prices. In the Loire, the party says it is confident in remembering the progression of its scores between 2017 and 2022 (the very probable decline in abstention could however work against the RN but also in its favor…), considering itself very good position in the 3e4e5e et 6e and far from being beaten in advance in the two Saint-Etienne constituencies.

RN candidates / Standing up for France in the Loire

  • Marie Simon (RN) and Mélanie Fernandez as substitute on 1time constituency (northeast and northwest of Saint-Etienne)
  • Hervé Breuil (RN) and Tom Rieu as substitute on 2e constituency (south and south-east cantons of Saint-Etienne)
  • Angélina La Marca (RN), with Jean-Luc Fougerand as substitute on 3e constituency (Gier and East Stéphanois)
  • Gerbert Rambaud (Debout la France) with substitute Anthony Gibert (RN) on the 4e constituency (Ondaine / Pilat / Haut Forez)
  • Sandrine Granger (RN) with substitute Michel Lucas on 5e constituency (Roannais)
  • Grégoire Granger (RN) with Nelly Ouchoua as substitute on the 6e constituency (Forez)


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