Tampon Municipal Council: Tuesday June 25, 2024

Tampon Municipal Council: Tuesday June 25, 2024
Tampon Municipal Council: Tuesday June 25, 2024

The Tampon municipal council met this Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

On the agenda, 36 cases which were all adopted, including the following questions:

· Management account of the municipal receiver for the 2023 financial year – Main budget and ancillary budgets

·Approval of the administrative account of the Municipality for the financial year 2023 – Main budget and annexed budgets

Despite the international context and the government decisions which punctuated the year 2023 and had major impacts on municipal finances, the financial situation of the Commune of Tampon remains comfortable with gross savings and a savings rate respectively of 24M € (higher than that released in 2022) and 22.15%, as well as a debt reduction capacity well below the 12 eligible years and that displayed in 2022.

These events have also not undermined the community’s investment capacity since the amount of gross equipment expenditure has reached its highest point since the start of this mandate, i.e. €43.2 million in 2023 instead of €35.5 million. in 2022 and this, without having resorted to borrowing.

·Setting prices for school meals

Catering in nursery, elementary and primary schools is an optional public service managed by the city and integrated into municipal policy. The commune of Le Tampon is therefore responsible for school catering for its 40 public schools and Marthe Robin private establishments (primary and middle schools).

The catering service operates six central kitchens and one stand-alone which produced and served 1,348,674 meals in 2023, for an average of 9,773 meals per day. The cost price of a meal was then €6.05 and the families’ contribution to the catering costs represented €0.98/meal based on 138 days of operation. As an indication, this unit cost varies according to the forecast number of days counted for the operation of the canteens, which varies between 135 and 140 days depending on the school calendars. For the year 2024/2025, it will be 136 days.

The following rate setting was proposed to the Municipal Council from August 2024:

– For students, a fixed amount of €135.00, which can be billed annually (1 x €135.00), quarterly (3 x €45.00) or monthly (9 x €15.00).

– For teachers and other categories of staff working in schools (psychologists, nurses, school assistants, administrative staff, etc.), an annual fixed amount of €450.00, with the possibility of installments in 9 installments €50.00, or a unit price of €3.30 per meal.

It should be noted that these workers must be in an active position and not on leave to have access to school restaurants at the planned rate.

– For an occasional meal for teachers and other Tampon or external stakeholders (for example: work meetings, training, etc., organized by schools, inspections or the Rectorate), a unit price of €5.00 if it is taken exceptionally.

It is also proposed to the Municipal Council to adjust the pricing by offering parents the possibility of:

– To pay a contribution in proportion to the months of attendance in the case of school registration during the year at a school in Le Tampon.

– To be reimbursed according to the proration defined in the event of removal of their child(ren) from school meals or from a school in the municipality during the year.

·Creation of a fire and rescue center at Plaine des Cafres (23rd km) – Amendment no. 1 to land acquisition agreement no. 22 22 03 between EDF Réunion and the Commune of Tampon

The Departmental Fire and Rescue Service of Reunion (SDIS 974) has exclusive competence for the prevention, protection and fight against fires and participates, in partnership with other services (police, SAMU, etc. …), the implementation of emergency assistance to people and the protection of property and the environment.

In this context, the SDIS has 2 fire and rescue centers in the commune of Tampon (Tampon center and Plaine des Cafres). However, the lease concerning the current SDIS premises is not renewed, therefore the SDIS is requesting a new location from the municipality.

·July 14 festivities – Adoption of the overall system

The Festivities of July 14 celebrate the memory of the battles of our elders, during the storming of the Bastille, one of the main victories of the French Revolution. Also, like every year, the Municipality wants to maintain this tradition through the various events it organizes on this date. These activities will be accessible free of charge, from 10 a.m. to midnight.

In the program :

– Parade of the Tampon associations, followed by a wreath-laying at the war memorial

– Recreational part dedicated to children

– Concerts, official speeches,

– Fireworks fired from the Benjamin Hoarau esplanade

– Firefighters’ Ball, musical entertainment (DJ), food stands

As part of this action, the municipality of Tampon will work in collaboration with the Amicale des Sapeurs-Pompiers du Tampon 974.

·Potato and agricultural equipment festival – Adoption of the overall system

The 8th edition of the Potato and Agricultural Equipment Festival 2024 is scheduled for August 3 and 4, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Miel Vert site.

With more than 45,000 visitors and more than 46 tonnes of potatoes sold for the previous edition, it is proposed to renew this event.

The municipality of Tampon wants to show solidarity with the producers who work hard and courageously to produce quality products for Reunion Island consumers. This event is an opportunity to bring together farmers and local producers as well as various associations in the same place.

However, this will be reserved only for planters who are not part of a cooperative, upon presentation of proof, to best support small farmers.

To this end, it is proposed to repeat this event on Saturday August 3 and Sunday August 4, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the Miel Vert site. Free entry.

·Florilèges 2024 – Adoption of the overall system

The commune of Tampon will offer Reunion Island its 40th edition of Florilèges.

This event aims to promote the local horticultural sector and all its stakeholders. This event will take place jointly in 3 locations:

– The flower exhibition in the Jean de Cambiaire park,

– The fairground activity at Place de la Libération (SIDR des 400) with its rides and attractions,

– The trade fair on the entire rue Hubert Delisle and its adjacent streets.

On each of the sites, artistic programming is planned on stages or in the street for the greatest pleasure of visitors.

The festivities will take place from Friday October 11 to Sunday October 20, 2024. On this occasion, the traditional Miss Ville du Tampon evening will be held on Friday October 11, 2024. The inauguration will take place on Saturday October 12 at 10 a.m.

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