CASUD Presidency: Jacquet Hoarau succeeds André Thien-Ah-Koon

CASUD Presidency: Jacquet Hoarau succeeds André Thien-Ah-Koon
CASUD Presidency: Jacquet Hoarau succeeds André Thien-Ah-Koon

The new president of CASUD was elected this Wednesday, June 26. With a majority of votes, Jacquet Hoarau, sole candidate, succeeds André Thien-Ah-Koon. The new president of the Southern Urban Community will work to calm the climate within the interco.

Jacquet Hoarau, sole candidate for the presidency of CASUD, was elected this Wednesday, June 26 in the morning, with 28 votes in favor, 19 blank ballots and one draw. A vote which comes following the sentencing of André Thien-Ah-Koon, until then president of CASUD, to five years of ineligibility for illegal taking of interests in the SPL Sudec affair.

Jacquet Hoarau was thus able to count on the votes of the 28 elected members of the majority, without tipping over the 20 others from the opposition, who did not, however, oppose his election.

All the mayors of the South urban community were present, with the exception of that of Saint-Joseph, who was still represented. Patrick Lebreton had been beaten to the wire by André Thien-Ah-Koon, elected to the presidency on the basis of age on July 10, 2020.

Since then, CASUD has lived to the rhythm of conflicts and political battles between the mayors of Saint-Joseph and Le Tampon. The new president of the interco wishes to continue in a peaceful climate. He met all the mayors and said he was open and available for the future.

Jacquet Hoarau has defined his priorities, including improving water distribution, waste management without increasing taxes, and even replacing school transport. He also wants to invest in continuing the development of economic zones.



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