7 destinations to go on vacation near Nantes

7 destinations to go on vacation near Nantes
7 destinations to go on vacation near Nantes
  1. La Baule-Escoublac

La Baule is one of the most famous seaside resorts on the French Atlantic coast. Renowned for its long sandy beach, it offers activities for all tastes: water sports, horse riding, golf and thalassotherapy. The waterfront is lined with elegant villas, boutiques and restaurants where you can enjoy fresh seafood (hmmmm)!
Distance from Nantes: 80 km

  1. Pornic

Pornic is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque port, coves and sandy beaches. You can explore Pornic Castle, walk along the customs officers’ path or simply enjoy the landscapes. Gourmet tip: don’t miss out on tasting the famous artisanal ice cream at La Fraiseraie.
Distance from Nantes: 50 km

  1. Guerande

Guérande, famous for its salt marshes, is a fortified medieval town worth a visit. Stroll the cobbled streets of the old town, visit the city walls and learn about the fascinating history of salt production. The salt marshes offer a unique landscape, ideal for bike rides or on foot.
Distance from Nantes: 80 km

  1. Noirmoutier Island

The Island is accessible by the bridge or the Passage du Gois: a unique submersible road. Well known for its beaches, fishing villages and unspoiled natural landscapes. Visit Noirmoutier Castle, explore the Sébastopol Polder nature reserve or taste delicious local oysters.
Distance from Nantes: 80 km

  1. Les Sables-d’Olonne

Les Sables-d’Olonne is another popular seaside destination, famous for its large sandy beach, bustling fishing port and embankment lined with bars/restaurants and shops. Enjoy water activities, explore the Zoo des Sables or go hiking in the Forest of Olonne.
Distance from Nantes: 110 km

  1. Clisson

Clisson is a small town with Italian charm located half an hour from Nantes. With its cobbled streets, castle ruins and Tuscan ambiance, Clisson offers a picturesque getaway. Don’t miss visiting the medieval Halles and the Garenne Lemot park: a romantic garden inspired by Italian landscapes.
Distance from Nantes: 30 km

  1. The Marais Poitevin

The Marais Poitevin, often called the Green Venice, is a vast wetland with a network of navigable canals. Rent a boat or kayak to explore this peaceful region and discover its flora and fauna. The charming villages of Coulon and Arçais are also worth the detour.
Distance from Nantes: 120 km

Whether you are attracted by the sea, history, nature or theme parks, you will definitely find what you are looking for in the region.



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