The route and program of the third Pride of Carcassonne march

The route and program of the third Pride of Carcassonne march
The route and program of the third Pride of Carcassonne march

In 2022, the first Carcassonne Pride March was born. A big step forward for a town of this size thanks to the “Fiertés Carcassonne” association. The third edition of the event in favor of the rights of LGBTQIA + people is scheduled for Saturday June 29. Several events also take place this week.

Penny and Gaëtan, two of the founding members of the “Fiertés Carcassonne” association, are delighted. Already, because the third edition of the Pride of Carcassonne – the one and only in Aude – is fast approaching. But also because the event support evening organized a few weeks earlier at the Croco Bleu jazz club was a real success. Drag shows, performances and DJ sets punctuated the evening intended to fight against LGBTphobia and financially support the next pride march. “We had a lot of people. We really had a great time. What was great was that there was everything. Young people, old people, parents with their children… Which was also very appreciable is that there was no hitch”, tell Gaëtan and Penny. Thanks to this successful evening, the association was able to raise nearly €2,000 to self-finance the parade on Saturday June 29.

“Together, be what we are/are born”

For this edition, the party begins a few days before D-Day. Since Monday, June 24 and for a whole week, the collective and the partners of the event drape Carcassonne in the colors of the rainbow through of various actions. And this, around the same slogan: “Together, be what we are/are born. Together, be what we want to be.” The festivities started with the photo exhibition to be discovered in the Activeity premises (rue de Verdun) on the 2023 edition of the Carcassonne Pride march. An exhibition behind which we find Brune Antolin and Emilie Souza, Adahy Photographie.

Read also :
Legislative elections 2024: at the dawn of the 3rd edition of the Carcassonne Pride march, the founding members of the association do not intend to give “voting instructions”

Saturday, June 29, from 4 p.m., the march will start from Square André-Chénier to follow the boulevards of the city center. If last year, a tractor acted as a float, this year, it will be a bicycle float with a DJ who will be responsible for adding atmosphere to the parade.



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