Valencia: he rushes at the municipal police after refusing to comply, two minor injuries

Valencia: he rushes at the municipal police after refusing to comply, two minor injuries
Valencia: he rushes at the municipal police after refusing to comply, two minor injuries

Around 7 p.m. this Tuesday evening, two bikers from the Valence municipal police wanted to check a driver in the Plan district. The man driving his Mini Cooper refuses to comply and flees. A municipal police car with four officers on board was called in to assist during the chase. In the village of Malissard, the police confront the fugitive’s vehicle.

Police officers intentionally hit

They are almost at a standstill and are about to dismount to challenge him but the driver accelerates and hits their car head-on. Of the four municipal agents, two were injured and two shocked. All four were taken to hospital by firefighters.. The driver of the Mini Cooper was stunned by the triggering of his airbag. He was arrested behind the wheel and handed over to the national police. The man is in police custody this Tuesday evening. This is an unfavorably known inhabitant of the Plane. According to initial findings, he was possibly driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Analyzes are underway to confirm this.

Repeat offender

In a press release, the mayor of Valencia would like to welcome “exemplary courage” municipal police officers. “Once again, they are the ones who went into contact, on the front line, with bravery and efficiency” underlines the election. Nicolas Daragon se “welcomes the arrest of this repeat offender” et “hope that he will finally be condemned with the greatest firmness, now that he is facing five new charges”. The mayor concludes: “it is not tolerable that such individuals can continue their abuses without being prosecuted and punished commensurate with their actionss”.



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