In Châteauroux, the Gaston-Papiot room is gradually emerging from the ground

In Châteauroux, the Gaston-Papiot room is gradually emerging from the ground
In Châteauroux, the Gaston-Papiot room is gradually emerging from the ground

Saint-Christophe, an emblematic place in old Châteauroux, has been orphaned from its neighborhood house for several months. The prefabricated building on rue Grand-Maison which dated from the 1970s was demolished at the end of 2023 and the three main associations (1) which occupied it were relocated elsewhere.

Looking forward to coming back soon. After being delayed due to assembly issues, construction has been in full swing for several weeks on this small one-way street, perpendicular to Avenue de Blois. “We attacked at the start of 2024 and delivery should take place at the end of December”indicates Roland Vrillon, deputy mayor in charge of the works.

The carcass should be finished this week

This new room, completely new, is a project led by the district council. The architect, Damien Lévêque, imagined load-bearing concrete block walls inside the structure and framing it with prefabricated wooden panels. “We save time in implementation”assures the architect.

The wood part and the insulation are carried out by the CCBH company in Ciron. And their installation was quite impressive since the wooden panels were lifted from the truck and simply placed on the structure using a crane.

“The carcass should be finished this week,” was announced around the construction site on Tuesday June 25. Cranes and other exceptional convoys should therefore no longer block this route which currently allows you to reach the city center with the never-ending work on the Pont Neuf.

The exterior walls, made of prefabricated wood, are delivered by the company CCBH, based in Ciron.
© (Photo NR, P.-Y. R.)

With a total area of ​​208 m2this multipurpose room will be divided into two parts (60 and 30 m2) on the side of Square Gaston-Papiot while the reception, kitchen and toilets will be installed on the other side. The total cost of the operation amounts to €800,000. Once the structure is assembled, “there will be the second work” (electricity, plumbing), and all the interior design. “We made sure it was ready for Saint Vincent’s Day 2025”martèle Roland Vrillon.

Roland Vrillon, deputy mayor in charge of the works, and Laurent Leroy, responsible for monitoring the work of the Gaston-Papiot room.
© (Photo NR, P.-Y.R.)

No games for children

The elected official explains that as an extension of the Gaston-Papiot room, the adjacent square will also undergo a makeover. “We have preserved the trees and we are going to redesign the square so that the bay window of the room is open onto this green space. » Cost of the operation: an additional €130,000.

If the developments of the square and the Gaston-Papiot village hall delight local residents, some regret that no games for children are planned on this land. “It will be more of a relaxation space”, warns Roland Vrillon. The neighborhood children will have to relax elsewhere. In Vaugirard or in front of the Racine school!

(1) Questions for a champion, the Saint-Vincent association and the neighborhood festival committee.



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