Coignières – Communication: the City is waiting for your opinions

Coignières – Communication: the City is waiting for your opinions
Coignières – Communication: the City is waiting for your opinions

Give your opinion on the City’s communication channels until the start of the 2024 summer holidays.

In pursuit of its approach to bringing local democracy to life and relying on consultation and citizen participation, the town hall of Coignières is launching a new initiative. The mayor, Didier Fischer (DVG), and the elected officials of the city council, decided to survey residents on the City’s various communication channels. Thus, the municipality specifies that in order to “identify your habits and your expectations with regard to municipal communication, we invite you to respond to the questionnaire which can be found on the City’s website and on its Facebook page, before the start of the 2024 summer holidays. You also have the possibility to respond by email to [email protected]. » She also reminds us that a paper version is available at the town hall reception.


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