“Umami Albi”: Jérémy Phez from Albi Run launches his home cooking service

“Umami Albi”: Jérémy Phez from Albi Run launches his home cooking service
“Umami Albi”: Jérémy Phez from Albi Run launches his home cooking service

the essential
Jérémy Phez, the tireless organizer of the Albi Run, has launched his new activity as a home chef/caterer. Located in the Madeleine district, “Umami” has been going strong for a month.

Umami, for the Japanese, is the fifth flavor detected by the human tongue. This term, which means “tasty”, gives its name to the establishment launched by Jérémy Phez. The hyperactive former chef of the Pontié kitchens, also organizer of Albi Run since the first edition in 2017, is now at the head of a new food business.

At once a private chef, caterer and consulting chef, the forty-year-old never ceases to take on new roles. The great athlete’s boundless energy allows him to keep going. But also the experience accumulated through managing teams.

A more human relationship with customers

Openings, company meals, taverns, auctions… After 27 years spent in the kitchens of traditional restaurants, it is now in events that his career is redeploying. The whole problem consists of moving from one way of working to another.

“The demanding responsiveness of the kitchen service is the big difference between the restaurant and the caterer” confirms Jérémy Phez. The on-site preparation, the atmosphere, the team spirit… It is as a chef “at home” during external events that he rediscovers the working atmosphere of his previous environment.

With an even more significant “human” aspect: “Customers sometimes come and speak to me directly when I cook on site. This relationship with the people we serve does not exist in the restaurant, since we only have contact with them through the servers.

With 16 orders delivered in one month, one every two days, the great lover of challenges was able to put his experience to good use on very different terrains.

Disability remains a major concern

“The more unlikely the location, the more it suits me. If someone offers me underground parking, I’ll say yes straight away!” The cook’s job also means knowing how to deal with the unexpected. Like during this meal where, the electricity generator being too weak, he had to run to a private home 500 meters from the feast site to fry eggs!

While waiting for the next edition of Albi Run, Jérémy Phez remains receptive to charities who contact him to organize meals. The next French disabled sports championships in Albi are part of the list of events with which he should soon work.

“In general, it really makes me happy that people are contacting me so quickly even though I haven’t done much publicity until now.” Proof of the power of a network.



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