Transfer – Top 14: Nick Champion de Crespigny leaves Castres Olympique, returns to Australia to target the Wallabies – Quinze Ovalie

The Australian third row, Nick Champion de Crespignywill ultimately not extend his contract with the Castres Olympic. He wants to return southern hemisphere to try your luck with the Wallabiesin full reconstruction.

A complicated season in Castres

Since his arrival in 2021, Nick Champion de Crespigny has had a difficult season with only 13 Top 14 matches to his name. Between injuries and lackluster performances, he had difficulty convincing his manager, Jeremy Davidson.

A boost at the end of the season

Despite a difficult start to the season, Champion de Crespigny managed to make up for it in the final days, regaining playing time and the confidence of its leaders. This gave hope for a contract extension.

But it seems that the player has finally decided not to stay in Castres. His goal is to return to Australia to try to join the Wallabiesthe national team, looking for renewal after disappointing results.

And now ?

The departure of Champion de Crespigny leaves a void in the Castres Olympique squad. The club will have to turn to the transfer market to find a quality replacement.

With this departure, Castres Olympique is embarking on a period of changes to compensate for the loss of one of its executives.

More news:

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