LEGISLATIVE – 5th constituency of Saône et Loire – Louis Margueritte calls for “a choice of stability against the extremes” – info-chalon.com

LEGISLATIVE – 5th constituency of Saône et Loire – Louis Margueritte calls for “a choice of stability against the extremes” – info-chalon.com
LEGISLATIVE – 5th constituency of Saône et Loire – Louis Margueritte calls for “a choice of stability against the extremes” – info-chalon.com

The legislative elections on Sunday June 30 and July 7 are historic. They place us before a decisive choice for the future of our country. That of the temptation of extremes or the pursuit of a project of responsibility.

I have taken note of the results of the European elections.

Like any Intermediate election, they were an opportunity for our fellow citizens to express their impatience, their discontent, their doubts or their disagreement.

The path to take cannot be that of a dead end.

On the one hand with the distressing spectacle of a so-called “Popular Front”, an absurd alliance between revolutionaries and a few socialists who have lost their compass.

On the other with an RN who seems to discover the complexities of public power.

Because a prime minister from the RN, allied to candidates from a former republican right who do not dare say that they are now from a moralist and electoral right, would whatever happens be prevented from implementing his program , by the Constitutional Council, with a situation of institutional blockage as the most likely scenario.

Opposite, a strong coalition, on the basis of a common, democratic, social-democratic and humanist project with respect for the specificity of each, attached to the market economy, to Europe, concerned with order and freedom. Order is order in the accounts, order in the streets
and order in our heads because France is based on principles and values ​​contrary to anti-Semitism and any other diversion of secularism.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Against the extremes, each passing second is the result of a fight.

What awaits us, I will overcome with determination to continue, more, better and faster, to defend purchasing power, work as a cardinal value, the reestablishment of authority, public services and the School of Republic.

For you and with you.

Louis Margueritte



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