1st edition of the “Grand Festival du Bachelier”

1st edition of the “Grand Festival du Bachelier”
1st edition of the “Grand Festival du Bachelier”

The Festival Du Bachelier is organizing from June 29 to 30, 2024 the 1st edition of the “Grand Festival du Bachelier” within the premises of the Morocco Mall in Casablanca.

Unprecedented, this largest educational event of the year which celebrates the new graduates of the 2023-2024 Baccalaureate who are invited to attend without limitation, comes in execution of the High Instructions of King Mohammed VI. That is, those which aim to promote human capital. And this, within the framework of a national training system meeting both the real needs of the labor market and the requirements of development, in order to prepare a new generation of Golden Morocco. This, on the basis of a distinct model of partnership between the public sector, the private sector, academic actors and professionals.

In addition, this meeting, which should become an annual tradition, pays tribute to one of the pillars of the success of young Moroccans. This is the body of the Guidance Council throughout the Kingdom. Or, an action without which the puzzle will be incomplete.

Furthermore, the organizers promise an innovative and original event, insofar as the approach adopted combines benefit and entertainment and pays particular attention to the social aspect.

Thus, upon completion, three high school graduates from Al Haouz will benefit from full support for their university courses by one of the partner schools. Blood donations are also on the menu.

On the apprenticeship register, the Post-Bac orientation of these champions comes at the top of the list, in order to align profiles with the real needs of the labor market and the current requirements of national development. It is therefore expected that hundreds of high school graduates will be able to master the higher education courses offered in Morocco and related professions. This, in particular through direct contact with public and private higher education and professional training establishments as well as the companies which will be on site.

A range of workshops is also planned and will be provided by renowned sponsors and partners. Among them, we find the “Road Safety” workshop which will be hosted by the National Road Safety Agency (NARSA) to raise awareness among these future drivers. Added to this is the “Scientific Police” workshop, at the initiative of the Directorate General of National Security (DGSN).
Also included in the program of the “Grand Festival du Bachelier” are entertainment workshops and concerts, with the participation of Moroccan singers (Ahmed Chawki, Houda Saad and Farid Ghannan).



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