Bardella promises the abolition of taxes on direct inheritance up to 100,000 euros for low-income families

Bardella promises the abolition of taxes on direct inheritance up to 100,000 euros for low-income families
Bardella promises the abolition of taxes on direct inheritance up to 100,000 euros for low-income families

Barely begun, the legislative campaign enters its last week on Monday: pushed by the polls but accused of backing down on measures promised by the National Rally, Jordan Bardella revealed this Monday morning the main axes of the far-right party’s program.

After a few moments of hesitation which gave ammunition to his adversaries, notably on the promise to repeal the pension reform, the president of the National Rally, who has already spent part of last week trying to clarify his economic program and social, thus took advantage of this major press conference to try to clarify the positions of his party.

Reduced VAT on energy

Once again, Jordan Bardella recalled his party’s desire to “ reduce VAT on energy » (fuel, oil, electricity, etc.). It is perfectly possible to lower VAT on energy to 5.5% within the current European framework, he assures, citing, among the countries having adopted such a measure according to him, “ Germany during the inflation crisis » et « Poland ».

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He also hears “ decouple the price of gas and electricity “. The objective: “ simplify and make more readable the country’s energy policy “, he assures, affirming however that “ it is not a question of calling into question the European market, interconnections will remain ».

Renewable energies in the viewfinder

On ” intermittent energies ”, as Jordan Bardella calls renewable energy, “ I hope that France becomes an energy paradise again “, he indicates, saying he is based on two principles: “ a French energy price and that we can strengthen our nuclear fleet ».

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« The idea is not to stop intermittent energies, but to make nuclear power a major element of the energy mix again. », he specifies, announcing, in the event of a victory for the RN, “ a moratorium on any new construction of wind farms ». « 25% of the time, they run empty and force us to sell off energy sold abroad », he justifies.

Pension reform repealed ” in principle “

During his speech, Jordan Bardella wanted to clarify the RN’s position on Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform. He had, in fact, lacked clarity in front of the employers brought together by Medef last week on this subject. “ French people who started working before the age of twenty and who have forty years of service will be able to leave at the age of 60 “, he once again assured. Pension reform will therefore in principle be repealed ».

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« For the others, progressiveness will be implemented, as had been defended in 2022, with a legal retirement age of 62 years and a number of annuities of up to 42 annuities », then summarizes the politician, without giving further details and nevertheless recalling that the implementation of this measure will depend on the results of the budgetary audit.

Precisely, on this subject, Jordan Bardella Priorité insisted on this measure: “ Make a audit of the nation’s accounts ” Who ” will be responsible for shedding light on the budgetary excesses of the Macron government ». “A recent Senate report shows that the government concealed certain lines of accounts,” further affirms Jordan Bardella.

Great plan of French eating

Concerning the agricultural aspect, Jordan Bardella denounces the regulatory unreason imposed by Brussels which he will put an end to if his party comes to power, he assures. To support farmers, we will launch a major “eating French” plan by imposing “ 80% French products served in the canteen » et « a generalization of the labeling of French products ».

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Furthermore, ” we will prohibit imports of products that do not meet French standards » et « we will put in place rules that no one will be able to circumvent, neither mass distribution nor manufacturers “, he says again, without specifying what these rules will be.

Abolition of inheritance taxes for low-income families

Measure desired by Eric Ciotti, as Jordan Bardella recalls, the removal of Taxes on direct inheritance will be taken into account. And this, ” for low-income families and the middle classes up to 100,000 euros per child compared to 15,000 euros today », he adds again.

Elimination of regional health agencies

In terms of health, the RN proposes the abolition of regional health agencies (ARS) accused of having “ an accounting vision of health ». « We want prefects to coordinate health policies “, argues Jordan Bardella.

Bans on ECD removed

As had already been announced previously, the bans on DPE will be removed, recalled the one who wishes to occupy the position of Prime Minister in the event of an absolute majority of the RN in the legislative elections. “It will be maintained”nevertheless clarified Jordan Bardella, judging these restrictions “ excessive and which prevent the rental and sale of real estate “. Likewise, the ZAN law will be relaxed, he indicated, judging it “binding for land and businesses”.

No sending troops to Ukraine

« On Russia, I do not intend to call into question France’s commitments. This is likely to weaken France’s voice on the international scene and the credibility of our country with regard to our European partners. ” explains Jordan Bardella, when asked about this.

And to reaffirm: “ my red line is sending troops to Ukrainian soil. I do not intend to implement the conditions for sending troops », in reference to Emmanuel Macron’s comments a few months earlier.

« Secondly, if I am in favor of continuing logistical support in Ukraine, my red line remains on the sending in particular of long-range missiles, equipment which could directly strike Russian cities because this would create the conditions for co-belligerence of France and a threat to a nuclear power », he summarizes, confirming the remarks made earlier in the day by Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy from the North and party figure.

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Likewise, Jordan Bardella confirmed one of the RN measures already announced concerning “ the most strategic positions of the State which will be reserved for French citizens », particularly those linked to the security and defense sector. “ Reserving for French citizens is also a way to protect yourself from attempts at interference orchestrated by foreign states. “, he explains.

Prepare the terrain

Earlier in the day, Sébastien Chenu, RN deputy from the North and party figure, had already prepared the ground for this press conference. At the microphone of the TF1 morning show, he gave the first actions that his party would put in place in the event of victory in the legislative elections.

« When we arrive, we trigger an extraordinary session of Parliament (in the summer, editor’s note). We will work on issues such as immigration, security and purchasing power. “, explained Sébastien Chenu. The MP also indicated that he also wanted “ to prevent » people with dual nationality to occupy « extremely sensitive jobs » whose list will be defined “ by decree ».

Who are the pro-Russian candidates of the RN

Asked about the delicate question of Defense in the event of cohabitation with Emmanuel Macron, the deputy from the North, candidate for his re-election, outlined “ red lines »: sending soldiers to Ukraine, sending “ long range equipment », allowing bombs to be sent to Russian territory.

Attal tries to defend the record of his majority

As for the presidential camp, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is in Dijon this Monday to continue the campaign. “ The RN is not ready to govern. We have seen in recent weeks that the facade, built to present itself as the party of the purchasing power of the French, is collapsing “, he repeated earlier in the day during an interview on Europe1/Cnews. “ Everyone has their own identity, everyone has their own DNA, everyone has their own method “, he declined, with regard to Emmanuel Macron, the majority of whom is becoming more emancipated every day.

The RN, still favorite in voting intentions

As a reminder, the National Rally is still favored for these next legislative elections, ahead of the New Popular Front and the presidential camp. According to an exclusive Elabe survey for BFMTV and La Tribune Sunday, the RN is at 36% of voting intentions, the New Popular Front at 27%), while the current majority is in third place in voting intentions (20%).

From this balance of forces, Elabe established a projection in seats, which should be taken with a distance, as long as the first round has not taken place. The National Rally and its allies would therefore obtain between 250 and 280 deputies, the New Popular Front and the various left between 150 and 170, and the majority between 90 and 110, and LR and the various right and center, between 35 and 45. This which would augur at least a « solid relative majority » for the RNaccording to Bernard Sananès, president of the polling institute.

Furthermore, today, six out of ten citizens say they are certain to go and vote next Sunday. Participation could even reach 62 to 64% according to our partner’s projections. This would be a record for legislative elections since 2002.



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