Grand Périgueux: A student rewarded by Périgord Québec

Grand Périgueux: A student rewarded by Périgord Québec
Grand Périgueux: A student rewarded by Périgord Québec
Lila poses proudly with her teacher and the president of Périgord Québec.
Magali Bordas

Thursday June 20, the president of the Périgord Québec association, Richard Bourgoing, came to meet the students of Reynald Lujan’s CE2-CM1 class.

“The association organizes numerous activities, in particular French-speaking dictation which has been officially included since 2004 in the program of global activities for French Language and Francophonie Week in the spring. It is prepared by a specialist in linguistic terminology. The text contains expressions and terms from Quebec, speaks of a French region,” explains Richard Bourgoing.

This year, more than 2,000 students in Dordogne took part, feeling like they were traveling a little. “The dictation obviously spoke of Quebec but also of a region of France: Mayenne and French Polynesia where the surfing events will take place. It is for this reason that a few paragraphs of the dictation are dedicated to him,” adds the president of the association.

A diploma and a 25 euro voucher

The Périgord Québec association rewards, each year, the three best students in each level. It was Lila Serre who came 3rd in the department. “The Dordogne has serious students and good teachers, because at the Maurice-Albe school in Périgueux, we rewarded the 1st and 3rd at the national level,” underlined Richard Bourgoing.

Lila was given a diploma and a 25 euro voucher to use in a bookstore. Shyly, Lila expressed herself: “I am happy and proud. My parents were happy too. I will start dictation again next year in CM1. »

The Coursac school has participated in this dictation since the arrival of the director, Julie Privat, three years ago. As a reward for their participation, the establishment received maple syrup mignonettes. “It is an entirely natural syrup and very good for your health, because it has a very low blood sugar level,” concluded Richard Bourgoing before congratulating all the participants and inviting them to renew their participation next year.

Magali Bordas


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