Legislative elections 2024 – Oise: 1st and 2nd constituencies, the candidates of the New Popular Front supported by elected officials from the Municipal Majority in Beauvais

Legislative elections 2024 – Oise: 1st and 2nd constituencies, the candidates of the New Popular Front supported by elected officials from the Municipal Majority in Beauvais
Legislative elections 2024 – Oise: 1st and 2nd constituencies, the candidates of the New Popular Front supported by elected officials from the Municipal Majority in Beauvais

Elected officials from the municipal majority in Beauvais or independents have decided to support the left-wing candidates of the New Popular Front in the 1st and 2nd constituencies to face the rise of the RN.

This Monday morning, on the market in the Argentine district, in Beauvais, the two candidates of the New Popular Front, Roxane Lundy (Generation.s) in the 1st constituency and Marianne Seck (LFI) in the 2nd constituency, received the support of several advisors municipal majority or independent.

The deputy mayor for participatory democracy, Mohrad Laghrari, the elected representative of the majority, Hatice Kilinc-Siginir, the independent and former member of the municipal majority, Mamadou Bathily and the councilor Philippe Enjolras, were present to support their candidacies, in particular against a possible victory for the RN and its arrival in government on July 7.

“The New Popular Front is indeed the unambiguous positioning vis-à-vis the National Rally. If tomorrow, we have a second round with an RN candidate and with any candidate (except Reconquest!), I have not the shadow of a doubt that the Popular Front candidates will call to block the National Rally ”justifies Philippe Enjolras

For Mamadou Bathily, the mobilization of working-class neighborhoods can reverse the trend: “It’s a danger that awaits us, the Republic remains shattered, we risk having second-class citizens, France is indivisible”he analyzes beforehand. We have reservoirs, we have quite a few neighborhoods that we could mobilize to vote, what is certain is that the left could pass”. Mohrad Laghrari is on the same line while wishing for clarification from the outgoing deputy for the 1st constituency, Victor Habert-Dassault (LR): “We want to know before the first round what its position is vis-à-vis the RN electorate”he adds while waiting for the same with his colleagues from the majority of the municipal council in the campaign, such as Ludovic Castanié (LR), who will also find himself opposite Marianne Seck, in the 2nd. “It is important to know, Rencherite Hatice Kilinc-Siginir. We fight the extreme right, but we also fight ideas, if LR joins forces with the RN, there is no longer any difference between the two”she explains.

“Something is happening”

Marianne Seck on the 2nd also believes in a strong mobilization of left-wing voters to counter the outgoing deputy, Philippe Ballard (RN). “All of us who run campaigns regularly, we are constantly on the ground trying to convince people, but something is happening, we have a lot of people who ask us to know how to make proxies and who tell us that They will vote for us”, she hopes, explaining that Philippe Ballard was elected in the 2nd round of the 2022 legislative elections with a little more than 21,000 votes and that 46,000 votes were not cast at the ballot box. Roxane Lundy on the 1st wants to warn voters. “We must protect the Republic. Never let your election be stolen, whether you live in Breteuil or Beauvais, your voice has the same value everywhere”. Finally, the PCF advisor, Thierry Aury, deputy of Roxane Lundy, sees “similarities” with the results which followed the last dissolution and which had finally sent 2 left-wing deputies, Yves Rome in the 1st and Béatrice Marre in the 2nd, in parliament, in 1997.

Elected members of the municipal majority, Mohrad Laghrari and Hatice Kilinc-Siginir distinguish between the municipal and legislative elections

Asked about their support for the New Left Popular Front, two years before the elections

municipal where they sit in the municipal majority, Mohrad Laghrari and Hatice Kilinc-Siginir, have clarified their position. “The Municipal and the Legislative, these are two elections which are independent, they are different, we are in the camp of the municipal majority, but we support the NPF”, clarified the deputy mayor for participatory democracy, Mohrad Laghrari. As for Hatice Kilinc-Siginir, she claims her political independence. “I have always differentiated between local and national elections. Concerning myself, I have always voted for the humanist fronts at the national level. I am independent, I am not limited and I have always had the same rule of conduct”.

Raphaël Thiollier



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