Garrido sets a condition for withdrawing, and this clearly illustrates the fractures at LFI

Garrido sets a condition for withdrawing, and this clearly illustrates the fractures at LFI
Garrido sets a condition for withdrawing, and this clearly illustrates the fractures at LFI
JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP The condition set by Garrido to withdraw clearly illustrates the internal fractures within LFI.


The condition set by Garrido to withdraw clearly illustrates the internal fractures within LFI.

POLITICS – Withdrawal in the legs. The outgoing LFI deputy Raquel Garrido came third in the first round of the legislative elections in the 5th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis on Sunday June 30, behind the candidate invested by France Insoumise Aly Diaouara and the representative of the UDI Aude Lagarde.

Breaking with Jean-Luc Mélenchon and those close to him, here is Raquel Garrido in a hurry to withdraw in favor of the left-wing candidate who came first. Still, things are not that simple. And they clearly show the gap that these legislative elections have created in this camp.

Invited to TF1 this Monday, July 1, the outgoing elected official set a sort of condition for her withdrawal. Logic would dictate that the second on the left would withdraw. This is the case in the constituency of Alexis Corbière, in the constituency of Danielle Simonnet, of Hendrik Davi and in mineshe explained. I am ready for it, and I ask that everyone has a sense of responsibility.”

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Clearly, Raquel Garrido says she is open to leaving the field open to Aly Diaouara. But she consequently requests the withdrawal of the candidates supported by France Insoumise who arrived behind the outgoing LFI deputies but dismissed by the management at the time of the investitures.

More specifically, these are Sabrina Ali Benali who came in behind Alexis Corbière (40%) in Seine-Saint-Denis, Céline Verzeletti who came in behind Danielle Simonnet in Paris and Allan Popelard who came in behind Hendrik Davi in ​​Marseille. Allan Popelard finally announced that he would not run in the second round.

“Fratricidal wars must stop”

A question of ” consistency “ for the former close friend of the founder of La France Insoumise. And a way to shift the pressure onto the current leadership of the movement, which is demanding the withdrawal of all candidates who came third if the National Rally is able to win (which is not the case in the territories concerned). For the moment, Céline Verzeletti has announced that she will maintain her candidacy against Danielle Simonnet, to the great displeasure of several members of the New Popular Front.

The Seine-Saint-Denis MP Clémentine Autain, re-elected on Sunday evening and very critical of the functioning of La France Insoumise, launched an appeal on X this Monday, July 1: “Fratricidal wars must stop”. She said to herself “dismayed to have to take time to ask the LFI management not to maintain its candidacies » facing Danielle Simonnet and Alexis Corbière. “They both obtained scores higher than the official LFI applications, and I congratulate them!”she supports.

Also see on Le HuffPost:

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