“This sports field could tell you something!” : the Pieds Blancs les Aydes explore 120 years of history, in Orléans

“This sports field could tell you something!” : the Pieds Blancs les Aydes explore 120 years of history, in Orléans
“This sports field could tell you something!” : the Pieds Blancs les Aydes explore 120 years of history, in Orléans

The multi-activity association PIeds Blancs les Aydes is more than a hundred years old in Orléans. She celebrated her 120th birthday on Sunday, June 23, during a festive day where a photo exhibition mixed with awards ceremonies. The opportunity, for the oldest, to tell the story of this old club.

It was in 1904. The Pieds Blancs les Aydes association was born in the Orléans district. The courtyard was filled with people and decorated with balloons to celebrate its 120th anniversary, Sunday June 23.

“It was created by young winegrowers from the neighborhood who came together to do physical activities. They did gymnastics in the barns.”

Martine Lévêque (President of the association)

Photos to take you back in time

While the president recounts these old times, the guests (members, former members, etc.) crowd into the room to appreciate the exhibition of old photos, sports jerseys, trophies, bugles, etc.

The club has evolved over time to become a multi-activity association, with 420 members aged from 3 to 92 years old. “Our biggest audiences are children under 11 and young retirees.” Several of them received honors from Youth and Sports, or from the Sports and Cultural Federation of France, on Sunday.

However, it was originally a sports club. “The first instructors were killed in the First World War, we had to reorganize.” Then football, drums and marching band were added…

Only men, only women, then diversity

“It was exclusively male. But during the Second War, when the men were all absent, the Les Aydes Sports Youth was born, the girls did gym or basketball there. After the war, they got together and became a mixed club.”

Martine Lévêque (empty)

The glory days of the gym were the 1960s and 1970s. It was then basketball that shone “at the highest regional level. We were not able to move up to the national level, because the club’s finances did not allow it”.


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In 2007, the Pieds Blancs still only had five activities; the hiring of a sports instructor allowed for vast diversification, with fifteen different activities. Walking is now the most popular, but there are also aquagym, well-being activities, early learning for children, caning, computer help, free written and oral expression, etc.

“One of the oldest still active”

The association has changed a lot, but the alumni still identify with it, delighted on Sunday to reconnect with their acquaintances. “I am one of the oldest still active,” proudly explains Annette, 86 years old. “My father was in charge of football, then music. I joined the club as soon as it reopened after the war, I played gymnastics in the room there. Today, I walk and organize belote competitions.”

Her cousin Bernadette, 85 years old, is no longer a member, but still carries many memories.

“I joined the club in 1943, at 4 or 5 years old. My parents were members, my brother played basketball too, the whole family was there. I practiced gym, basketball, I did lots of competition We practiced in the same yard where we are now.”

Bernadette (empty)

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This is where she met her husband

She lived nearby: “We didn’t have a car at the time, we had to find activities in our neighborhood.” It was also here that she met her husband, who played basketball. “This sports field could tell you something!”

As for what the two cousins ​​have to say…

“The greatest memory is the parade on the Champs-Élysées at the end of the 1940s. All the sports societies of the federation paraded on the Champs, there were thousands of us, with our tennis skirts, everyone in white uniform, music And then, going to Paris, at the time, it was something!”

Bernadette and Annette (empty)

They laugh: “We went to the capital in trucks, but without the security of today. At every turn, we flew to the other end. We had a good laugh. We don’t regret what we experienced with the Whitefeet at that time!”

Caroline Bozec



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