Legislative elections 2024: “We are ready to govern”, assures Jordan Bardella, presenting the main axes of the RN program

Legislative elections 2024: “We are ready to govern”, assures Jordan Bardella, presenting the main axes of the RN program
Legislative elections 2024: “We are ready to govern”, assures Jordan Bardella, presenting the main axes of the RN program

Barely started, the legislative campaign enters its final week this Monday, June 24. Pushed by the polls but accused of backing down on measures, Jordan Bardella revealed the main axes of the RN program at the end of the morning during a press conference.

“We are ready” to govern, assured this Monday, June 24, Jordan Bardella, leader of the National Rally, during a presentation of his program for the legislative elections, in Paris, in the presence of Marine Le Pen, Sébastien Chenu and Eric Ciotti.

“I solemnly say it to our compatriots: the National Rally is today the only movement that can immediately and reasonably implement the aspirations clearly expressed by the French. In three words, we are ready“, affirmed the one who aspires to become Prime Minister at the end of the vote of June 30 and July 7.

Priority to purchasing power

Jordan Bardella announces that he will act in stages, first with a “emergency management”then the “treatment of reforms”.

For the legislative candidate, “the emergency” relates in particular to the fact of “restore oxygen” economically to the French, particularly in “reviving French electricity prices” and the “lower taxes”. On the security aspect, Bardella intends to put an end to the minority excuse and establish minimum sentences.

The leader of the RN also promises the abolition of land law, with a view to “better control of immigration”. It also indicates that the “strategic positions” in diplomacy and the army will be reserved for the French. The National Rally wishes “to prevent” people with dual nationality to occupy “extremely sensitive jobs” whose list will be defined “by decree”.

To boost the birth rate, he wants to establish a “full tax share for the 2nd child” and eliminate inheritance taxes for low-income families.

“Big bang of authority” at school

On the subject of pensions, Bardella says his comments were recently “distorted and caricatured”, and assures that if he becomes Prime Minister, retirement at 60 for French people who started working at 20 and for 40 years will return “from autumn”.

In terms of education, Jordan Bardella also said he wanted a “big bang of authority” at school “from the start of September”with the ban on cell phones for students, compulsory attendance for teachers and continued experimentation with uniforms.



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