Legislative elections in Nantes-Rezé. Environmentalist Julie Laernoes wants to “rebuild public services”

Legislative elections in Nantes-Rezé. Environmentalist Julie Laernoes wants to “rebuild public services”
Legislative elections in Nantes-Rezé. Environmentalist Julie Laernoes wants to “rebuild public services”

The outgoing MP Julie Laernoes (EELV), almost 42 years old, is the candidate of the New Popular Front in the 4e constituency of Loire-Atlantique (Nantes-Rezé).

His political journey

For the outgoing EELV MP, a native of the Netherlands, where she grew up, the presence of Jean-Marie Le Pen at 2e presidential turn, in 2002, for his “first vote”has been ” the trigger “ of his commitment, from 2006, as soon as he obtained his master’s degree from Sciences Po Paris.

First behind the scenes with Dominique Voynet, during the 2007 presidential election, then as chief of staff at Montreuil town hall. Based in Nantes since 2009, Julie Laernoes was general secretary of the environmental group in the Region, before being elected to the City and the Metropolis, from 2014 to 2022, where she focused on energy transition issues.

In the Assembly for two years, she has been involved in particular in favor of the energy renovation of housing, the bill on the end of life and the defense of residents of Nantes-Atlantique.

All the latest legislative news

Its “purchasing power” measure

“Urgently repeal the pension reform and unemployment insurance reform, which further precarious workers who are working and struggling.

Julie Laernoes also defends “a social conference on rising wages”as well as “the blocking of energy and food prices”.

Read also: Legislative: pensions, minimum wage, Palestine… What the program of the New Popular Front contains

The measure that is close to his heart

“Rebuilding public health and education services. » In “raising salaries” health workers and teachers, “training more doctors”by abandoning the reform of the shock of knowledge “which opposes social classes”defending public schools “that the government is destroying”or “by reducing the number of students per class”.



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