The weather forecast for Monday June 24, 2024 in Sens and its surroundings

The weather forecast for Monday June 24, 2024 in Sens and its surroundings
The weather forecast for Monday June 24, 2024 in Sens and its surroundings

This Monday, June 24 in Sens, the weather will be clear when you wake up, and temperatures will be on average 18 ° C during the first part of the day. The wind will blow at 10 km/h in the early morning, and will increase sharply between 9 a.m. and noon to reach approximately 30 km/h. 40 km/h can be reached in bursts. Its orientation will be unstable during this interval. Clouds will form fog early in the morning and give way to clear skies around 9 a.m. At 6 a.m., the thermometer will show 13°C, and will gradually rise to 25°C at the start of the afternoon.

During the afternoon, the sky will still be clear around noon, then become cloudy towards the start of the afternoon. The mercury will remain homogeneous at 28°C. The wind strength will be around 30 km/h, and it will be coming from the North-East. Gusts could exceed 60 km/h.

This evening, the thermometer will drop between 7 p.m. and midnight to 22°C, while the wind will die down to around 20 km/h by mid-evening. It will be able to exceed 55 km/h in bursts. During this period, it will continue to blow from the Northeast. Clear weather is expected.

At night, the mercury will continue to drop between midnight and 6 a.m. to reach 16°C. The weather will still be clear. The wind force will continue to decrease towards the middle of the night to reach approximately 5 km/h, then will rise quickly between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. to around 15 km/h. Its direction will be inconsistent during this time slot.

Tomorrow, the temperature will be high: it will be a maximum of 26°C (around 4 p.m.) and a minimum of 16°C (around 6 a.m.). The sky will be mostly clear.

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