The SAES pays tribute to a comrade and activist faithful to the cause of workers

The SAES pays tribute to a comrade and activist faithful to the cause of workers
The SAES pays tribute to a comrade and activist faithful to the cause of workers

After accompanying the late trade unionist Mademba Sock to his final resting place, the autonomous higher education union (SAES) remembers a comrade who lost his last fight against illness. “It is the collapse of a monument and, like the other great historical helmsman, he guided the conduct of our trade union center and pacified its environment. For three decades, comrade Mademba was in turn at the head of SUTELEC, Secretary General of UNSAS and President of the West African Workers’ Organization (OTAO) with among other challenges overcome, the revitalization of the West African trade union movement until his death” recognize the members of Saes through a press release the day after the burial of the late president of the board of directors of the social security fund.

As a reminder, SAES and SUTELEC have maintained privileged relations since the creation of UNSAS of which the two unions are founding members. For example, SUTELEC strongly supported the SAES during the 1989 strike with the cut in salaries. Conversely, SAES made its financial resources available to SUTELEC in 1998 during the great struggle of electricity workers. The SAES will always remember the constructive presence of comrade Mademba Sock at all its congresses and in negotiations with the various governments. Courage, generosity, determination and loyalty to his principles have always characterized his militant commitment to a strong and autonomous national trade union movement.

The SAES intends to work so that its fight for the unity and development of workers is strengthened so that it is offered as a model of activist to the younger generation of workers. The SAES presents its saddened condolences to his biological family as well as to all activists and calls for the perpetuation of the legacy of comrade Mademba





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