Reappearance in Delémont of panels stolen in the Bernese Jura

Reappearance in Delémont of panels stolen in the Bernese Jura
Reappearance in Delémont of panels stolen in the Bernese Jura

The signs for localities in the Bernese Jura that mysteriously disappeared four months ago reappeared on Sunday in Delémont on the occasion of the People’s Day. Members of the Bélier group presented them before the Jura Parliament.

‘We received them, it was a gift,’ the host of the Bélier group Jonathan Gosteli told Keystone-ATS. The panels had previously been displayed on a trailer pulled by a tractor during the procession of the Jura Autonomist Movement (MAJ). ‘We will not leave you by the side of the road’, we could read on the tank, an allusion to the French-speaking localities that remained in Bern.

During this action in front of Parliament, the Bélier activists chanted ‘Let’s liberate Belprahon’, ‘Jura sud, Jura libre’ or ‘Long live the free Jura from Boncourt to La Neuveville’ after singing the Rauracienne, the Jura anthem.

For the Bélier group, the transfer of Moutier to the canton of Jura does not in fact mean that the Jura Question is closed. ‘This is only the beginning, let’s continue the fight’, chanted the thirty autonomist activists. The action remained peaceful.

The theft of locality signs caused costs of around 10,000 francs for the canton of Bern.





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