on the 3rd, Gérald Dahan, candidate against the tide

on the 3rd, Gérald Dahan, candidate against the tide
on the 3rd, Gérald Dahan, candidate against the tide

It was not one of his hoaxes that made him famous: here he is again a candidate in the third constituency of Charente-Maritime, on June 30. In 2022, under the colors of Nupes, he gathered 8,685 votes (21.07%). Without being unanimous on the left since the “dissident” Fabrice Barusseau, close to the PS, had totaled 4,061 votes (9.85%). Neither were in the second round.

I am known as a determined person who fights until the end

The situation has been reversed. It is Fabrice Barusseau who has the anointing of the New Popular Front and the support of the militant base of the Insoumis. Ousted despite the supposed support of his friend Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Gérald Dahan wants to replay the match. “I decided to be a candidate out of loyalty to my 2022 voters in this constituency. I am known as a determined person, who fights until the end,” he asserts.

“It multiplies the chances”

Doesn’t the duel risk eliminating the left again? “My analysis is that it increases the chances. My political opponents are not the Popular Front, they are the far right and Macronism,” he replies.



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