“Willy is coming to have lunch with you” in Charleville-Mézières Saturday June 22, 2024 on France 3 with Willy Rovelli

“Willy is coming to have lunch with you” in Charleville-Mézières Saturday June 22, 2024 on France 3 with Willy Rovelli
“Willy is coming to have lunch with you” in Charleville-Mézières Saturday June 22, 2024 on France 3 with Willy Rovelli

Saturday June 22, 2024 at 12:55 p.m., Willy Rovelli will offer on France 3 a new issue of “Willy comes to lunch at your place” in Charleville-Mézières in the Ardennes.

In this TV show adapted from a radio show from France Blue, Willy Rovelli and its chronicler Fabien Emo travel the roads of France to meet a family around lunch and share a moment of conviviality. The opportunity also for the two presenters to meet these colorful artisans and producers and to discover their profession and their know-how.

In this new issue, Willy Rovelli et Fabien Emo head towards the Ardennes to reach Charleville-Mézières, birthplace of Arthur Rimbaud. They will meet there Maxime Colletthe manager of a tavern.

A friendly and festive space located on the banks of the Meuse, run by Maxime, his team and members of his family. A place where you can relax, have a drink and snack with friends or attend concerts.

Willy will take turns learning to make the local dish with the saucy name Cacasse à cul null, alongside the grand master of his brotherhood. He will also have the opportunity to participate in the production of artisanal beers from the Ardennes.

Another great meeting awaits Willy : three great athletes from the Flammes Carolo Basket ball team, including the champion of France Amel Bouderrawill teach him the basics of this sport, great pride of the city.



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