the Renelle residence inaugurated in Saint-Martin-le-Nœud

the Renelle residence inaugurated in Saint-Martin-le-Nœud
the Renelle residence inaugurated in Saint-Martin-le-Nœud

The new Saint-Martin-le-Nœud residence includes 12 accommodations with private terraces, shared green spaces, parking spaces, a pedestrian path and a garden shared between the Renelle collective and the micro-crèche.

The Renelle residence was named in homage to Renelle, former municipal councilor and health professional. “and above all a person committed and invested in the inhabitants of the town. A volunteer with a big heart and unlimited availability. Giving the residence her first name was obvious and today we express our immense friendship to her husband and daughters”, declares Jean-Marie Duriez, mayor of Saint-Martin-le-Noeud. This inauguration was held in the presence of Caroline Cayeux, president of the Beauvaisis Urban Community, Franck Pia, vice-president of the Departmental Council and mayor of Beauvais, Jean-Marie Duriez, mayor of Saint-Martin-le-Noeud , Jacques Doridam and Pierre Ferlin, president and general manager of Laessa, the architect and the residents.

A micro-crèche within the residence

This project was built in collaboration with Laessa, a social enterprise for housing in Beauvaisis. The residence is part of a larger project which also includes a micro-crèche with a capacity of 12 cots which will open its doors on September 2. This beguinage includes 12 accommodations with private terraces, shared green spaces, parking spaces, a pedestrian path and a garden shared between the Renelle collective and the micro-crèche. Its objective is to create social bonds by offering housing favorable to the health of its residents through the design of the housing but also the services offered near the residence. It is in this context that the Renelle residence is the first in Laessa and even one of the first in France to be labeled “My healthy accommodation”. In addition, a listening/health system will be put in place for tenants. This listening device will be available 24/7, free, confidential, and will provide a personalized response from professionals.

A complete tour of the residence

After cutting the tricolor ribbon, symbol of the official opening, everyone present had the opportunity to visit the residence and one tenant even opened her doors to see the work being done inside.

After cutting the tricolor ribbon, symbol of the official opening, everyone present had the opportunity to visit the residence and one tenant even opened her doors to see the work being done inside.

In fact, some residents have already had the chance to move into the accommodation. And to make them feel comfortable, the Arc en Ciel association brought together the seniors for a first meeting. Finally, Laessa organized a neighbors’ party in the presence of the Graine de pays association and the rural social center of Auneuil La Canopée. After the speeches, the inauguration ended with a friendly drink.

This beguinage includes 12 accommodations with private terrace, shared green spaces, parking spaces, a pedestrian path and a garden shared between the Renelle collective and the micro-crèche


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