2024 legislative elections in Rennes: schedules, offices, parking… Here are the instructions for the 1st round

2024 legislative elections in Rennes: schedules, offices, parking… Here are the instructions for the 1st round
2024 legislative elections in Rennes: schedules, offices, parking… Here are the instructions for the 1st round


Hugo Murtas

Published on

June 28, 2024 at 10:38 a.m.

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The 1st round Early legislative elections take place Sunday June 30, 2024. Voters are called to the polls in the city’s 113 polling stations, spread across 29 voting centers (school groups, colleges, gymnasiums).

Reindeer, Polling stations will open at 8 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.Voters are strongly advised to avoid peak times, i.e. 11am – 12:30pm and 6pm – 7pm, to avoid queues, particularly at the end of the day before the polls close.

Our editorial team is mobilizing on Sunday June 30 to bring you live the counting and the results of this 1st round of the legislative elections in Rennes, so go to our Rennes news site to find out everything about this new election.

Where and how to vote?

There is no widespread sending of electoral cards for this election, except for:

  • New registrants who have made a registration request up to and including June 9 and have been subject to notified validation.
  • People who reported a change of address in Rennes until June 18.
  • Voters registered automatically: young adults and naturalized citizens.
  • An interactive map geolocates Rennes polling stations on the website metropole.rennes.fr/elections-comment-voter.
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To vote, voters must bring one of the following identity documents:

  • National identity card and passport (even expired for – 5 years).
  • Local elected official identity card with photograph, issued by the State representative.
  • Parliamentarian identity card with photograph, issued by the president of a parliamentary assembly.
  • Vitale card with photograph.
  • Combatant’s card with photograph, issued by the National Office for Veterans and Victims of War.
  • Civil disability card or inclusion mobility card with photograph.
  • State civil servant identity card with photograph.
  • Identity card or circulation card with photograph, issued by the military authorities.
  • Secure driving license conforming to the “European Union” format or, until January 19, 2033, pink cardboard driving license issued before January 19, 2013.
  • Hunting permit with photograph, issued by the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife.
  • Receipt serving as proof of identity, issued in exchange for identity documents in the event of judicial control.

These documents must be valid, with the exception of the national identity card and passport, which can be presented as expired for less than five years.

The “France Identité” electronic identity document is not acceptable as proof of identity when voting.

Some polling stations are adapting

For this 1st round of legislative elections, the City is creating a new voting center: Pasteur school groupIn order to relieve the Paul Ricœur voting center, the Pasteur school now hosts two polling stations.

For the Ille voting center : there are now seven polling stations. These will now be distributed between the nursery school and the gymnasium to avoid queues.

To relieve the Trégain voting centertwo polling stations there were transferred to the Gantelles voting centerlocated nearby, and which now has four polling stations.


All polling centers and stations are accessible to people with reduced mobilityMore generally, measures are being taken by the City of Rennes to facilitate access to polling stations:

  • Parking spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility and priority needs (elderly people, pregnant women, etc.) are provided near the voting centers.
  • Access to voting centers is possible with the Handistar reduced mobility transport service (for people registered for the service). Information on www.handistar.fr, or on or with the Star network (bus and metro) or on www.star.fr.
  • Neighbourhood solidarity and carpooling can help avoid parking difficulties near voting centres.

Our editorial team is mobilizing on Sunday June 30 to bring you live the counting and results of this first round of legislative elections in Rennes, so go to our Rennes news site to find out everything about this new election.

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