Support for businesses: The CNP requests support from the State – Lequotidien

Support for businesses: The CNP requests support from the State – Lequotidien
Support for businesses: The CNP requests support from the State – Lequotidien

In all countries of the world, the State supports its private sector. And Senegalese employers do not want to be an exception to this rule. This is the whole meaning of Baïdy Agne’s plea, during the opening ceremony of the Assises de l’entreprise. The boss of bosses is not in a logic of closure, but he is for local preference.

But Malik Gaye- It has been less than 3 months since Senegal experienced a 3rd alternation. A situation which naturally has an impact on business. During the opening ceremony of the Business Conference, the president of the National Employers’ Council (Cnp) wanted to be clear. “Acting for the Republic is the daily action of the Company which is part of the dynamic of Victor Hugo, reminding every citizen that “the Republic affirms the Law and imposes the Duty””, affirmed Baïdy Agne. For whom the government has the power to listen, decide and carry out acts of social and economic significance for the good of the Nation. Based on this observation, the president of the Cnp did not fail to share the expectations of the Company “and its worker-partners who are for more economic growth and social progress”. Thus, “listening to the Business Party means feeling the pulse of economic and social activity. The Company is not a burden on the Nation. But it is rather this fiscal contributing partner, this partner of social promotion, equal opportunities and decent incomes for youth, workers and retirees. Loving the Company means loving Senegal! To love Senegal is to invest in Senegal,” he invited the government to work hand in hand with the local private sector. What is “good” for the Company is “good” for Senegal, he justifies his request. This invitation must materialize by preserving the major achievements of the regulatory and legal system governing the public-private partnership, the strengthening of the powers of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (Arcop) in the control and monitoring mechanisms of its decisions. . “Let us exclusively reserve the resources of the Consolidated Investment Budget (Bci) for companies with majority national capital that create sustainable jobs. Let us expand local content in growth-promoting and strategic sectors by establishing a general law on local content, thus allowing the ministerial departments concerned to make regulatory and legal variations depending on the nature of the sector. of target activities,” proposed Mr. Agne.
The employers’ organization also raised the issue of public procurement. “Pay more attention to your family of entrepreneurs in public procurement… Strengthen their capacities… Ensure their effective presence in strategic concessions and in the various public-private partnership contracts.”
Furthermore, Baïdy Agna pleaded for a law on local content in energy. “There is nothing exceptional about supporting your national private sector. This is practiced almost everywhere in the world in the greatest silence, and in deep complicity between the State and its national private sector,” he asked the government. However, the president of the CNP does not want excessive protectionism. “Senegal must remain this attractive country for financial flows of foreign private investments contributing to the Gross Domestic Product, fulfilling its tax and social obligations, and creating sustainable jobs (…) These are indeed legal companies Senegalese.
The bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation that we want is that which defines our priorities and national interests, and which favors the most advantageous country offer for Senegal.” In the same vein, the employers’ organization pleaded for “less tax pressure on the same taxpayers”, which is a “legitimate request” in their eyes. Which will result in “less litigation, arbitration procedures and settlements”.
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