Dorian Carreau stronger than the wind

Dorian Carreau stronger than the wind
Dorian Carreau stronger than the wind

There was no rain this Friday June 21, at the end of the day, in Issoudun, but only wind in a clear sky. No big deal, you might think… unless you had a time trial to compete, against the wind.

This is what awaited the sixty competitors entered in Issoudun Chrono, organized by AC Bas-Berry, its first road event of the 2024 season. Sixteen kilometers on the menu, with first a loop to be completed from the Feuillade circuit, passing through Saint-Georges-sur-Arnon and Migny. With, in passing, the famous coast at the exit of the town. It was then the long return to Issoudun, with its hills but above all the wind, an unfavorable wind which slowed down the runners.

Monmasson third

And finally, a final, winding uphill climb to finish in the business area near the Safran company. In short, not an easy task. The youngest, spared, only competed in the initial loop, i.e. 7 kilometers.

In this game, you had to be strong to win. And precisely, Dorian Carreau (Blagnac), back from the French championship, showed himself to be particularly strong by completing the distance in 20’13, at an average of 47.486 km/h. He left his immediate follower, Quentin Du Mouza (Chartres), at 36 seconds, and the native Guillaume Monmasson (ACBB) at 48 seconds. In short, Carreau was above the rest.

> Scratch : 1. Carreau (Blagnac), 20’13; 2. du Mouza (Chartres), at 36 “; 3. Monmasson (Issoudun), at 48”; 4. Hamon (Limoges), at 49 “; 5. Hervé (Châteauroux Métropole), at 59”; 6. Short (Paris), at 1’02; 7 Gaillard at 1’23; 8. Morichon (Limoges), at 1’32; 9. Bouchet (Châteauroux), at 1’32; 10. Deramond (Lucé), at 1’33…
> U17 : 1. Hawrylak (La Chapelle-Saint-Ursin), 23’08.
> U17 women : Desmarelles (Issoudun), 29’04 and du Mouza (Saint-Pierre-des-Corps), mt.
> U15 : 1. Gauthier (Orléans), the 7 km in 11’26.
> U15 women: 1. Sigalas (Issoudun), at 42″.



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