In Gagny, voters confused by the early legislative elections

In Gagny, voters confused by the early legislative elections
In Gagny, voters confused by the early legislative elections

In the 8th constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis, the National Rally did better than La France insoumise, coming in first in two of its three municipalities, including Gagny. In 2022, however, it was the Nupes-PS candidate, Fatiha Keloua Hachi, who was elected against the outgoing Macronist MP Sylvie Charrière. A few days before the first round, on June 30, worry and uncertainty predominate among residents.

Gagny, its RER station, its square, its church, its Marne taxi displayed at Place Foch under a glass case… “Don’t talk to me about politics! What is happening is disastrous. I do not understand anything. It seems like all the stars are aligned to break thea machine“, says a forty-year-old who strides across Place Foch. “Frankly, it surprises you that the RN came first! They say it is a racist party. Maybe there are [des raciste]. But there are also many people who expect something concrete, who are tired of being disappointed“, says Alain.

In the town of just over 40,000 inhabitants, located east of Seine-Saint-Denis, on the edge of Seine-et-Marne, the RN was ahead of LFI by 25 votes. Same scenario in the neighboring town, Villemomble (22.40%). Modest margins of advance, but counting the votes of Reconquest!, the far right is positioned well ahead of LFI, the Renaissance list, and especially the traditional right from which the mayors of the three municipalities come. It was only in Rosny-sous-Bois that LFI remained in the lead.

What strikes me is that we put the RN and the Popular Front on the same level

The results of the European elections still give some people a cold sweat. “I don’t really know who to vote for. There is such pressure with the far-right, but that was already the case in the presidential election. There it is suddenly“, considers Lina, a 24-year-old student, who lives in Villemomble. “We are in a town that traditionally votes on the right, so good. What strikes me is that we put the National Rally and the Popular Front on the same level.“, analyzes Michèle, seen in front of the Monoprix. “I’m not taking sides, but people want order. We no longer know how to talk to young people, for example. I myself am afraid of their reactions“, says a lady who prefers to remain anonymous. For Thérèse, 69, who walks up the path from the RER station to the city center, “Gagny has changed a lot, with more and more construction. I’m not saying it’s bad per se, but the problem is tenants moving in. It changed the face of the city a lot.“, she blurted.

Nothing good is going to come out of all this

For many, it was the choice to dissolve the National Assembly that was most shocking. “I have always voted, but this time I don’t know for whom. I think I’ll decide the day before. It is also not impossible that there is a triangular one like we knew before. In any case, nothing good will come of all this“, continues Thérèse. “Macron lost his temper, what an idea! He threw a tantrum after the failure of his party and he blames the French for it.“, opine Trung. “It is certain that we can ask ourselves questions after the [ndlr élections] European. But, I’m not sure that people will vote the same way in the legislative elections“, puts his partner Maryse, in her sixties, into perspective. “It was the vote of the elderly which raised the score in the RN, but we expect a much higher participation. We still stay in a quiet town where there are no real problems,” she continues. The couple, who make no secret of their left-wing affinities, also recognize qualities in the projects of the mayor (LR), Roland Cranoly. Sitting in a bus shelter, Assia (her first name has been changed), observes the situation with disgust. “Immigrants, immigrants! It’s always the same music. We came from Morocco forty years ago. My husband worked in the sewers without ever being unemployed. He died three years ago. My three children were born here. We never asked for a cent of social assistance. But there is always this music. Politics doesn’t interest me, it’s not for me“, she castigates before rushing into her bus.



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