Véloscénie with the family, from Alençon to Briouze

Véloscénie with the family, from Alençon to Briouze
Véloscénie with the family, from Alençon to Briouze

Updated June 21, 2024

Reading time: 9 min

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Departing from Alençon, for the first time as a family, we decided to go for 3 days by bike on La Véloscénie!

Stage 1: from Alençon to Gandelain via Mont des Avaloires, 41 km
Stage 2: from Gandelain to Bagnoles-de-l’Orne, 48 km
Stage 3: rest day with discovery of the spa and activities in Bagnoles-de-l’Orne
Stage 4: from Bagnoles-de-l’Orne to Briouze, 24 km

Going on a bike trip with my children is an idea I’ve had for a long time. The Easter holidays seem like a good time to embark on this new adventure. So, I decided to take my two boys, aged 10 and 15, as well as their 9-year-old cousin, all three novices, to discover La Véloscénie.

We chose to set off on sections of greenways between Alençon and Briouze. It is a perfect route for a first experience. Especially since we have the possibility of having bicycles delivered directly to our accommodation, located near the arrival station in Alençon.

Alençon Tourisme – Tourist Office of the Urban Community of Alençon

Ferté Plage Leisure Center

stage 1: from Alençon to GANDELAIN via Mont des Avaloirs

Discovery of Alençon and departure for La Véloscénie

Arrival and Preparations

After our arrival the day before at Alençon station, the rental company Qualit E-Bike meets us there to deliver the bikes and equipment such as panniers and a trailer. These essential additions allow us to comfortably transport all our luggage, especially when traveling with family. Given the ages and sizes of the children (teens and pre-teens), we opt for electrically assisted bicycles (VAE). A first for children who discover this type of bike with great pleasure! This will make our journey more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Visit to Alençon

Before joining the La Véloscénie greenway, we take the time to discover the city center of Alençon. The city is full of historical and cultural treasures to explore: from the castle of the Dukes of Alençon to the house of Sainte-Thérèse. The basilica and the grain market also offer an insight into local history and architecture.

The promenade park, a green oasis in the heart of the city, is perfect for a peaceful moment before embarking on our journey. We took the opportunity to do some shopping in local shops and get our picnic for lunch, planned at Mont des Avaloirs, the highest point in the Grand Ouest (416 m). It seems that a breathtaking view awaits us there!

Start of the Journey: Alençon to Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon

We follow our first signs indicating La Véloscénie on a shared path which allows us to join the greenway, not far from the Étansiau pond, in the town of Saint-Denis-sur-Sarthon.

We follow an old railway line converted into a greenway, easy and secure. Along the way, we cross preserved areas such as the Sarthon valley, a landscape of hills, as well as the Mont des Avaloirs regional nature reserve, part of the Normandy-Maine Park and Geopark having obtained the Unesco Global Geopark label since March 2024.

Ascent and panorama to Mont des Avaloirs

It is precisely at Mont des Avaloirs that we have an appointment. To reach the summit, we leave the greenway after the tunnel located near the town of Lalacelle for a regular ascent (3 kilometers and 130 meters of elevation gain). The children had no difficulty reaching the summit by bike and, once there, they found the energy to climb the 108 steps to the belvedere, 18.50 meters high. The panorama allows us to observe the Alençon countryside, the Mancelles Alps and different forests (Perseigne, Écouves, Monaye, etc.).

Lunch break and descent towards Gandelain

After our lunch break at the belvedere site, very well equipped with picnic tables and toilets, we head back towards Gandelain to join Romain, our host at the Au Fer à Cheval bed and breakfast. This last stage, all downhill, takes us along small country roads.

Arrival at the guesthouse and activities

When we arrive at the guest room, Romain welcomes us and shows us our room. He accompanies us to the stables where our traveling companions will find shelter for the night. Immediately, Altesse, the cob Norman mare, is prepared. We then all set off for a horse-drawn carriage ride in the surrounding countryside. After a busy day, we enjoy the dinner brought to our room and prepared by Romain.

stage 2: from GANDELAIN to BAGNOLES-DE-L’ORNE, 48 KM

Breakfast and preparations at the Au Fer à Cheval guest room

Once the hearty breakfast is finished, we begin the preparations. Loading luggage onto the bikes and into the trailer requires some logistics and time. The bags are carefully attached, the helmets adjusted!

Heading for the Chèvrerie

Our destination for the day is Bagnoles-de l’Orne with a stop at La Mercerie farm, Olivier and Cathy’s goat farm. It’s a place that everyone can’t wait to discover. We leave the greenway after Pré-en-Pail to take a small country road to the goat farm, offering magnificent views of the green hills and paths lined with wild flowers. When we arrived, we were greeted by Olivier. The visit begins with a presentation of the goats and the goat farm, where we learn how Olivier and Cathy take care of their animals and make their delicious cheeses.

Visit and tasting

After the visit, we taste the varied and tasty cheeses produced at the goat farm: hot goat cheese puffs, fresh fromage frais, etc. These delicious products will complement the homemade cookies and local drinks previously purchased on the Au Comptoir route and will constitute our picnic.

We get back on our bikes, ready to continue our journey towards Bagnoles-de-l’Orne. We drive to Rives d’Andaine, where we will leave the greenway to follow the markings towards Bagnoles-de l’Orne via small, quiet roads for 6 kilometers. This step does not involve any physical difficulty.

On the road, we do not fail to see an original bell tower which is none other than that of La Chapelle Notre-Dame de Lignou, 40 meters high and in a neo-Byzantine style.

Only a few kilometers left before our end of the stage: Bagnoles de l’Orne! Arriving at the famous spa resort, we take possession of our spacious room with a terrace which offers us a view overlooking the lake. The children can’t wait to go to the hotel’s swimming pool and jacuzzi to relax after this great day of cycling.

STEP 3 (OPTIONAL): Relaxation break and/or activities in BAGNOLES-DE-L’ORNE

After two days of cycling with the family, a break is necessary! The spa resort of Bagnoles de l’Orne seems to be the ideal place to relax and enjoy a variety of activities. Located in the heart of the Andaines forest, this spa resort offers a peaceful and rejuvenating setting, perfect for young and old alike. It invites hiking, cycling, horse riding and trail running.

Many other leisure activities are available, such as rail cycling, pedal boating, tree climbing, archery, tennis, the orienteering course, golf, the swimming pool as well as visits to the arboretum of the castle park, the Jardin Retiré and the impressive panorama from the Roc au Chien.


The whole family enjoyed Bagnoles de l’Orne. It’s 9:15 a.m. and it’s time to get back on our bikes to reach Briouze station and return home peacefully. But before that, we enjoy a hearty breakfast with a magnificent view of the lake and the resort’s casino. We leave the hotel to enter the forest and follow the La Vélo Bocage greenway, which will take us to Briouze station.

On the way, we pass by the Hameau Saint-Ortaire, known for the hermit Saint Ortaire and the ritual of healing stones. Legend has it that Saint Ortaire performed miraculous cures. The faithful placed a stone on the trees surrounding the sanctuary, at the height of the disease to be healed. When the stone fell naturally, the sick person was healed.

We don’t want to leave Bagnoles-de-l’Orne without visiting the oldest oak tree in the Andaines forest: the Hippolyte Oak, more than 300 years old! This majestic tree impresses the whole family with its circumference of more than 5 meters, especially children!

We then embark on the greenway which follows the old railway line between Briouze and Bagnoles-de-l’Orne, where a train was still running in 1992. This pleasant path offers beautiful views of the surrounding wooded hills and passes near the town of La Ferté-Macé, where we can take a break to discover its rich architectural heritage or its leisure center.

We also pass along two sensitive natural areas: the Lande-Forêt au Grais pond (accessible by leaving the greenway, 2 km away) and the Grand Hazé marsh of Briouze, the largest marshy area in the Orne department . A 7 km marked hiking loop allows you to go around the marsh, and we will not fail to stop at its bird observatory. This last stage is a very beautiful, accessible walk which brings our first family cycling trip to a brilliant end.

12:55 p.m., the train arrives at the station. Once seated in their seats, the children fall asleep, their heads full of memories.

where to eat ?

Stool Bakery in Briouze

G20 or Coccinelle mini-markets in Briouze

How to come ?

Briouze station – Rue de la Gare – 61220 Briouze

On the Paris Granville line



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