Più, the journey towards the horizon Suresnes Theater Suresnes

Più, the journey towards the horizon Suresnes Theater Suresnes
Più, the journey towards the horizon Suresnes Theater Suresnes

Più, the journey towards the horizon Suresnes Theater Suresnes, Sunday April 6, 2025.

Sunday April 6, 2025
from 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Public children, young people and adults. From 5 years.
Più is a little girl who dreams of adventure and of heading towards the horizon, towards a distant country. We follow her on her initiatory journey, carried by the music of Maurice Ravel. Through her encounters, it is the path of life that guides her and makes her grow. And us with it!

Più is seven years old, “but she easily looks seven and
half”. She dreams of traveling the world and reaching the horizon with a big
H. On her way, she meets curious and crazy characters. Between
humor and reverie, Più is accompanied by a duo of musicians who play the sonata
for violin and cello
by Maurice Ravel. It is with the thirst to learn
that we set off with Più to discover the world, ourselves, the transition to age
adult. A great rhythmic adventure, full of courage and with a keen sense
of emancipation.

By Antoine Sahler
Directed by Benjamin Guillard

With Lucrèce Sassella puppet interpretation and manipulation,
Hélène Maréchaux violinist, Pauline Buet cellist

Schedule: year-month-day-time
start: 2025-04-06T13:30:00+02:00
fin : 2025-04-06T14:15:00+02:00

Price: from 8€ to 12€


Suresnes Theater 16 place Stalingrad 92150 Suresnes

Contact : https://www.theatre-suresnes.fr/spectacle/piu-le-voyage-vers-lhorizon/ +33146979810 [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/TheatredeSuresnes/

© Alain Leroy



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