French team. After the speeches at the start of the Euro, the Blues slow down on politics

French team. After the speeches at the start of the Euro, the Blues slow down on politics
French team. After the speeches at the start of the Euro, the Blues slow down on politics

It was almost a week ago. Kylian Mbappé took part in the legislative campaign in France. At the end of an asserted and assumed intervention against ” the extremes “, the captain of the Blues announced a collective initiative from the players. With the idea of ​​“ protect “ those who do not have the words to say it and not let people think that they are indifferent to the political crisis in France. “I am not in the best position, nor a good customer, but I encourage everyone to go and vote, William Saliba had thus recognized, when questioned on the subject. We are waiting for the collective press release. »

It is slow to see the light of day, even if there is still a good week before the first round of elections. Kylian Mbappé’s injury also did not favor rapid publication, as the captain of the France team initially suggested. However, it does not explain everything, and in particular the debates within the Blues concerning the position to take. Namely those who are content with a citizen call to vote and those who encourage a vote to block the way for the extremes, and in particular the National Rally.

“We’ll see if it will happen…”

Thursday, Antoine Griezmann seriously delayed. “We will see if it will happen or not, said the vice-captain of the Blues. Politics is a private matter. I don’t have to use my notoriety. » The Madrilenian, who has been able to make societal commitments in the past on an individual basis, remains more measured on collective action leading to a political position. In this sense he agrees with Benjamin Pavard: “It affects us, but I’m not here to judge people. » Olivier Giroud : “I will not specify my political leanings.”

The day before, Adrien Rabiot, while aware of the issues, had not hidden his desire to turn the page. “In order not to be parasitized, had underlined the Juve midfielder. We have a competition to manage, with our problems too. If we could put that aside a little…”

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From the difficulty of moving from an individual position to speaking on behalf of the French team, of which the footballers are undoubtedly the only ones expected. And with the warning the Federation. “They are responsible boys and they are vigilant, underlined Philippe Diallo, the president of the 3F. What I tell them is to respect the unity and the ideas that bring the French together, that’s the DNA of the selection. »



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