And La Rochelle was scuttled again

And La Rochelle was scuttled again
And La Rochelle was scuttled again

LThe axiom is that the longer a series continues, the closer it gets to its end, but this certainty will certainly not console the Rochelais. Friday evening, the Maritimes fell for the sixth consecutive time in a final phase match against Toulouse. And this disappointment, like in the Top 14 final last year, will leave them with a bitter taste.

Greg Alldritt and his comrades, who were in the lead at the break, paid a high price for two moments of confusion in the second half. A dangerous tackle from Uini Atonio on Thibauld Flament then a header from Reda Wardi on Julien Marchand. This is called scuttling.

A month after triumphing over Leinster in the Champions Cup final, Stade Toulousain qualified for a new final. The red and black glutton is launched in the quest for a new double even if he was less flamboyant than in London against the Irish.

A sign of favorites

Ugo Mola will assure that it is premature to talk about it. But it is certain that Antoine Dupont and his teammates will arrive with a sign of favorites next Friday in Marseille against Union Bordeaux-Bègles or at Stade Français. The Rochelais have not finished ruminating. “I think we have every chance,” Greg Alldritt said on Thursday. But it’s still the same challenge. We have to reach our standards, be the Stade Rochelais that we want to be. This year, we haven’t seen him much. »

In Bordeaux Friday evening, much more. As if they wanted to immediately defuse the desire for revolt in La Rochelle, the Toulouse residents struck first and made their first incursion into the maritime camp bear fruit with a penalty from Thomas Ramos.

This inaugural action set the tone, with a clear strategy on the part of the title holders: favoring occupation with footwork, not exposing themselves too much but putting speed into their sequences, changing pace in dragster mode as soon as an opportunity presents itself.

the Toulouse residents who had benefited from a two-week break to prepare for the meeting had fire in their legs.

But the Rochelais, a little hesitant, quickly recovered their spirits and behind a penalty, Silatolu Latu scored the first try of a semi-final played at a frenzied tempo.

The evidence is that the Toulouse residents, who had benefited from a two-week break to prepare for the meeting, had fire in their legs. But the Rochelais also had arguments to put out the beginnings of a fire. In the ground game, in particular, where the Toulouse residents were caught seven times.

If a penalty from Antoine Hastoy allowed the Maritimes to take the advantage, Ugo Mola’s players did not abandon their strategy of occupation and harassment. And after Jack Nowell, in dire straits, received a yellow card, a try from Blair Kinghorn brought Toulouse back level with Rochelais.

Sparkling Dupont

Led by a sparkling Antoine Dupont, the Toulouse team had taken the upper hand, dictating the tempo, and a second try from Juan Cruz Mallia rewarded their domination. But the Rochelais have not given up. They knew how to push the Toulouse team into error by relying on the power of their front five in the penetrating groups. Jack Willis, in turn, was penalized with a yellow card and Greg Alldritt, pushed by his pack, allowed his team to take the lead at the break (20-15).

The standoff that had begun was indecisive. Each team had its weapons clearly identified. But an unfortunate incident of play upset the balance of this duel: the exclusion of Uini Atonio guilty of a shoulder blow to the face of Thibault Flamand (43rd). Next, Mallia scored his second try transformed by Ramos. Then it was another Argentinian, Santiago Chocobares, who scored the break try by blocking a clearance from Brice Dulin.

And at the end of a melee won by the Haut-Garonnais, tempers became heated.

Hoping to overcome a gap of nine points (29-20) against a Toulouse team with numerical superiority, it seemed like a challenge. But the Rochelais have not given up. They have invested the Toulouse camp. And at the end of a melee won by the Haut-Garonnais, tempers became heated. Yellow card for Julien Marchand but red for Reda Wardi who had just headbutted the Toulouse hooker.

And yet, despite this second blow of fate, the Rochelais held on, returning to testing range after a penalty from Hastoy. And faced with this team which refused to fall, the Toulouse residents suddenly seemed hesitant in their choice. They suffered the collisions. Will Skelton and Alldritt opened gaps. But this riot of energy came at a cost. And Ramos gave Toulouse a margin of safety before Mathis Lebel gave a slightly misleading shine to his team’s victory.



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