A national rally candidate attacked in a market in Saint-Étienne and suffered a stroke

A national rally candidate attacked in a market in Saint-Étienne and suffered a stroke
A national rally candidate attacked in a market in Saint-Étienne and suffered a stroke

Jean-Luc Boujon // Photo credit: Alain JOCARD / AFP
11:25 a.m., June 21, 2024

An RN candidate, while he was towing, was attacked this Thursday in a market in Saint-Etienne by ultra-left activists. RN activists have been reporting, for several days, a very tense campaign. An investigation is open.

Thursday morning, Hervé Breuil, 68, RN candidate in the 2nd constituency of Saint-Etienne, is towing Albert Thomas market with four other activists. When five people approach them, says Mathieu, one of the RN activists present.

“We can see some of these LFI activists that we had seen one or two days before. Masked this time also with hoods and sunglasses… They started to push us, to insult us, to tell us ‘Dirty fascists, dirty racists, get the hell out of here!’ It caused a lot of shock throughout the neighborhood and even in the market in fact, and the people who called the police were the customers of the market. There were a few attacks against the candidate, a few attacks against me because I was filming. Where it really posed a problem was that following this attack, Hervé Breuil had a stroke,” the activist explains in detail.

An attack condemned by the New Popular Front

Hervé Breuil is therefore still hospitalized this Friday morning, under observation. His campaign is currently put on hold. A complaint was filed and the Saint-Etienne public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation for “meeting violence”.

This attack was condemned by local leaders of the New Popular Front. RN activists have been reporting, for several days, a very tense campaign on the markets with their left-wing counterparts.



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