Companions and companions…Campaign note 1

Companions and companions…Campaign note 1
Companions and companions…Campaign note 1

These notes should be placed in the overall context of our previous contribution to avoid any misunderstanding:

Companions and companions of bad days…the bad days will end!

In a newspaper column The world Today, Arié Alimi (Lawyer) and Vincent Lemire (Historian) indicate: “Left-wing anti-Semitism is experiencing an undeniable resurgence, but it is being used to discredit the New Popular Front. » They add: “There is no equivalence between the contextual, populist and electoralist anti-Semitism, used by certain members of La France insoumise, and the founding, historical and ontological anti-Semitism of the National Rally, affirm the lawyer and the historian, in a column in the newspaper The world.

We can possibly discuss “contextual, populist and electoralist anti-Semitism, used by certain members of La France insoumise”; but there is no doubt that certain attitudes have allowed the extreme majority of the Jewish population of France, ninety-five percent, we are told, which is not nothing, to be frightened to the point of to prefer the hypothesis of the National Rally coming to power.

In 1990, Mike Godwin stated an empirical law or rather an observation in societal behavior of online exchanges: “The longer an online discussion continues, the closer the probability of finding a comparison involving the Nazis or Adolf Hitler becomes. of one. » Godwin’s Law introduces the idea that such an argument is inevitable in a drawn-out debate.

When this observation is made today, and sometimes in the mode of a certain cynical game, in a debate, indicating to one interlocutor that he has reached Godwin’s point amounts to telling him that his credit is henceforth compromised. This amounts to disqualifying him, or at least attempting to disqualify his words through this “argumentum ad hominem”.

What should we do today with such an observation? What possible use can be made of it in any conversation or participation in an exchange, including this one? And why not leave this discussion on such a question precisely because we ask ourselves it, want to share it, to perhaps come back to it differently later!?

Gavroche’s friends



PREV after the bus hiccup for the first match, the Blues will fly to Düsseldorf
NEXT A cycle-pedestrian bridge over the Eau d’Heure Lakes: “enough to connect Falinfluence and Plate-Taille in 15 minutes… and take selfies!”