the City approves the diagnosis and action plan for the “age-friendly city” label

The process continues. This Tuesday June 18 during the Municipal Council, the elected officials of the city of Montauban attended the presentation of the diagnosis and action plan you label “Age-friendly city” (VADA).

Approved by the City

This exhibition, which constituted the last step in the labeling process, was therefore “approved by elected officials“, welcomed the Montalbanese municipality. Committed to this approach since 2022obtaining it took a new turn in September 2023. Indeed, with the financial support of the VADA network, the City had carried out a diagnosis of the territory to take stock of the daily lives of seniors living in Montauban.

Established over 5 years

Aiming to bring together stakeholders (elected officials, professionals, partners and residents) this action plan, established on five yearswill follow a roadmap made up of several themes and concrete actions to know :

  • Autonomy, services and care : promote access to care, promote the health of seniors and encourage them to stay at home
  • Information et communication : deploy communication relays, diversify communication media and improve their dissemination, develop event communication
  • Transport and mobility : improve the existing public transport offer, facilitate access to existing transport systems, develop carpooling
  • Social bond and solidarity : create intergenerational links, work to combat isolation
  • Outdoor spaces and buildings : improve and secure pedestrian paths, sidewalks and public spaces in general; improve and adapt space and urban furniture
  • Habitat : continue the adaptation of housing for seniors to encourage them to stay at home, develop shared housing
  • Citizen participation and employment : encourage consultation with seniors, support preparation for retirement
  • Culture and leisure : promote access for seniors to the cultural offering, adapt the cultural offering to the senior public

During the Municipal Council, elected officials also recognized that this label should “help foster a sense of belonging inhabitants to their territory in helping each generation to find its place.

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