names for the association rooms in the town center

names for the association rooms in the town center
names for the association rooms in the town center

The last meeting of the municipal council was held on June 17.

Green energy subscription proposal by Sorégies. The municipality is a member of the electricity and gas purchasing group coordinated by the Vienna Energy Union. The tender commission awarded the framework agreement for the supply of segment 5 electricity to Alterna. Alterna is committed to a minimum supply of 25% from renewable energy production located in Vienna. The municipality can go further by choosing the 100% green energy option. The council decides to opt for the proposal to supply 100% green electricity by Alterna for an amount of less than €300 per year.

Roadworks. The municipal council decides to request funds from the Departmental Council under the ACTIV 3 system. This envelope will be allocated to road works on various streets according to the following financing plan: amount of work €51,847.29 excluding tax (ACTIV3 €24,300, self-financing €27,547.29).

Name of the association rooms in the town center. Renovation work on the old village hall in the town center is nearing completion. It is necessary to give names to each room to facilitate identification and communication. On the basis of the various proposals made by the inhabitants of the town, the municipal council unanimously decides to name all the rooms, Simone-de-Beauvoir spacethe big room, the hall of the Fonbeurs and the small room, the Marchais room.

Project management assistance for the bakery and the school house. The commune of Availles en Châtellerault is considering the renovation of the bakery premises and the complete renovation of the school house. The council decides to entrust project management assistance for the management of calls for tenders from companies to the Vienne Territories Agency (AT86). This mission amounts to the sum of €4,510 including tax for the bakery and €2,870 including tax for the school house.

The Bobinière road. When updating the address database, the municipal council decided to give a name to the old route de Châtellerault which became the route de la Bobinière.

Installation of a laundromat in the town. The private operator Groupe Photomaton is proposing to install a laundromat in the town. It supplies, installs and manages the equipment and gives 15% of revenue to the municipality. The municipality offers a location allowing connection to the networks, provides and pays for water, electricity and sanitation. The revenue share must cover twice the costs of the fluids provided. The municipal council gives a favorable opinion to this laundromat installation, which could be installed at the end of the school canteen, subject to carefully measuring the commitments of the municipality in the agreement which will bind it to the service provider.



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