Essonne: he lured little girls to his home with chocolate to sexually assault them

Essonne: he lured little girls to his home with chocolate to sexually assault them
Essonne: he lured little girls to his home with chocolate to sexually assault them


Coline Bonvalot

Published on

June 20, 2024 at 11:36 a.m.

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No one could suspect what was really happening in this residence, located in Chilly-Mazarin. From the top of its balcony, located on the second floor, Michel* observes everything. Children playing in the grass, or residents going out and in. Then there is Mélissa*, 7 years old, and Thomas*, 11 years old, the two grandchildren of her next-door neighbor who has become one of her friends. He keeps them from time to time to help out. He even offers them candy, chocolate, and sometimes, Mélissa is entitled to a €10 bill. Nothing weird or suspicious until April 30, 2023 when everything changes.

” Everything is false “

That day, the police were called by Melissa and Thomas’ grandfather. He indicates that his 7-year-old granddaughter was sexually assaulted by her neighbor, Michel. She was allegedly invited by the latter with her 11-year-old brother. The accused allegedly removed the girl’s pants and panties before rubbing the penis with your hand Many times. The accused then went to the toilet, and the children took the opportunity to escape.

During her hearing, Mélissa revealed to investigators that Michel had already done this to her “at least eight times”, and that he threatened her to keep her quiet. But that’s not all. Maya*, another girl from the residence, aged 11, also reportedly experienced the same thing at least once. While she was playing outside with one of her friends, the suspect allegedly offered them chocolate. They then went up to see him in his apartment. Michel would have given them a chocolate bar each. Then he allegedly kept Maya with him, and removed her pants and panties, before asking her to come and sit on him.

At the bar of the Évry-Courcouronnes criminal court, this Wednesday, June 19, 2024, Michel, already known for similar facts in England, denies everything outright. ” Everything is false. I never looked after his children, and I don’t know the other girl. It’s a conspiracy from their grandfather, because he thinks I’m dating his wife. » To which the president of the court responds: “They called you “uncle”. If you don’t know them, they won’t call you that. »

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18 months suspended prison sentence

“He remains in denial. He fights against the evidence » , “It’s all lies. There is a witness, Mélissa’s brother who saw everything,” say the lawyers for the civil party.

“The victims’ statements are precise and detailed. Mélissa even explains thatshe had pain when she peed. But sir, continues to deny,” laments the public prosecutor, who is demanding a sentence of 18 months’ imprisonment in full, accompanied by a probationary suspension of two years.

Despite the request for release pleaded by his lawyer, the defendant was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment fully accompanied by a two-year probationary suspension. He is registered with the Fijais (automated judicial file for perpetrators of sexual or violent offenses).

*First names have been changed.

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