Get down from the tree

Get down from the tree
Get down from the tree

I read Lise Ouellette’s open letter to the members of the University of Moncton Council, rich in observations and development like so many others over the months and years.

This is a debate that has been gnawing at its bones for months. This morning again, I am inclined to think that we should rather think about moving to another dimension. The problem is no longer at the level of the name change, is no longer democratic, is no longer in the logic of diplomatic thought.

For my part, I see a shape at the top of a tree that can no longer come down because of the dangers on the ground. So, two attitudes: one, wanting to stay in the tree, two, the fear of going down. This character, I believe, has lost the “right” attitude in this democratic country. The branches that support him, his council, have a lot to do.

On a global scale where I have been able to mingle with only a few cultures, we live here in a free, democratic country where life is good. In terms of language, if we leave Canada, French is a language of choice and recognized. To note a few aspects, 20% of European international trade is transacted in French, French is one of the six languages ​​used at the United Nations. French has character through its refinement. There are 3,000 languages. So, French is not the least and I am only demonstrating a few. Believing is one of the greatest virtues. It is astonishing.

One day, we will have to come down from the tree. There are many French-speaking and English-speaking people among us at the top of this tree. We will have to come down from the tree and realize that we are not in a dictatorship. We are in a democracy. It is inevitable. We must move to another dimension; sooner or later, come down from the tree. Dictatorship, I think, has no place here. Acadia does not have its rightful place here.

Norman Le Bouthillier



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