a punitive expedition judged in La Roche-sur-Yon – Vendée Info

a punitive expedition judged in La Roche-sur-Yon – Vendée Info
a punitive expedition judged in La Roche-sur-Yon – Vendée Info
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On Monday June 17, 2024, the La Roche-sur-Yon court was the scene of a complex trial combining self-defense and punitive expedition. Two men were in the dock: Samir, 23, prosecuted for use and transfer of narcotics as well as violence with a weapon, and Johnny, 42, tried for damage, unauthorized acquisition of narcotics, home invasion and violence in a meeting .

According to -.fr, the events date back to October 6, 2023, at Les Herbiers. Samir, alone at home, hears suspicious noises at the back of his house. Worried, he contacted the video surveillance company and the police. Shortly after, two hooded individuals forced the door and entered his home. Samir, in panic, grabs a kitchen knife to defend himself. He wounds one of the intruders, Johnny, four times: in the stomach, the arm, the neck, then the forehead. “When I saw the blood on my forehead, I understood that he had just bled me and we ran away,” Johnny testified on the stand.

The Drug Trail

The investigation reveals that Johnny, accompanied by his son, was looking to recover money after buying poor quality cocaine from Samir. Angry, Johnny decided to go to the young dealer. “He sold me drugs cut with lye,” Johnny explained to the police.

A neighbor confirmed that Samir regularly received short visits, suggesting drug trafficking activity. However, Samir denied any dealings with Johnny, claiming not to know him. “I thought I was being robbed. I took a knife because the police didn’t arrive”he explained to the court, denying that he had acted in self-defense.

The Judicial Debate: Self-Defense or Violence?

The prosecutor cast doubt on Samir’s version: “It’s a real punitive expedition to a drug dealer. Is he in self-defense? I do not think so. » She requested one year in prison with an electronic bracelet for Samir and two years in prison for Johnny.

Samir’s lawyer pleaded self-defense, invoking article 122.6 of the Penal Code: “It is not for me to prove that it was in self-defense, but for the public prosecutor to prove that it was not. not. » Johnny’s lawyer recognized the seriousness of his client’s actions while emphasizing that he did not dispute the facts.

The court sentenced Johnny to one year in prison for violence and damage. Samir was acquitted of the acts of violence but sentenced to six months in prison for possession, use and transfer of drugs.



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