Mercato OM: Como and Pau Lopez close to an agreement? (Updated)

15h28 : Pau Lopez would be very close to an agreement with the promoted Italian club Como, according to Sky Italia. The Marseille goalkeeper would be interested in the idea of ​​returning to Serie A. RMC Sportfor his part, explains that he will not be accepted in the event of a good offer, but that OM intends neither to lend him nor sell him off.

12h00 : Will Olympique de Marseille change their goalkeeper this summer? In recent months, the hypothesis of seeing Pau Lopez (29 years old) leaving the club at the end of the season has gained momentum.

The Marseille club’s goalkeeper since 2021 himself explained that he would let his president decide his future: “Now we will see the choices that will be made. We have to wait and see what the club will do with the players who are there. It will also be necessary to respect all the decisions that will be taken“, he explained before the last day of Ligue 1 in May. If he likes Marseille, Lopez has a high regard for Pablo Longoria and will not close the door to a departure if there is something for everyone.

The Como club, promoted to Serie A, would be pushing hard, as we explained to you in recent hours. Discussions have started and are progressing for Como with OM and Lopez according to Fabrizio Romano. The coach Cesc Fabregas, who knows the OM goalkeeper well, is leading this approach. The Monza club would also have inquired.



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