The pleasure of the travel diary

The pleasure of the travel diary
The pleasure of the travel diary

An annual meeting of illustration through the prism of the travel diary, the 7th edition of Clermont Dessine brought together a large number of participants divided into around twenty workshops.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, they took over the squares and alleys of the historic center of Clermont, but also of Montferrand, Royat and even the Château Dauphin, in Pontgibaud. “They” are the draftsmen, apprentices or already seasoned sketchbook artists, to whom the association It is necessary to go see offers to learn or perfect their line technique under the guidance of experienced illustrators.

All the places offered have found takers. This shows the enthusiasm generated by this form of drawing, which is also a communication tool as well as an art of discovery, perfectly meeting the association’s credo: “Travel differently”. Which means getting off the beaten track and meeting people while respecting the populations. This is the concept defended by Jean-Pierre Frachon, a historical figure of the movement, when he states: “The travel diary is a very good tool for ethical travel because to draw, you have to go towards the other”.

In groups of ten to fifteen people led by a mentor, the candidates tried their hand at pencil, watercolor or pastel.

Practical. The 24 e edition of the International Travel Journal Meeting will take place on November 15, 16 and 17.



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