Video. Info-Railway: Sustained growth in passenger traffic

Video. Info-Railway: Sustained growth in passenger traffic
Video. Info-Railway: Sustained growth in passenger traffic

One and a half times the Moroccan population! 53 million people took a National Railway Office train in 2023. A new milestone reached and a new record after the 46 million passengers already recorded in 2022.

Traffic has been increasing for several years: It has grown at a steady pace, with the exception of 2020, with the Covid-19 crisis which immobilized all means of transport and logistics circuits.

If the Atlas trains and the fast shuttle trains total more than 47 million passengers, the Al Boraq train achieves impressive growth year after year. This high-speed train, which celebrated its 5th anniversary last year, carried more than 5 million passengers, or 24% more than in 2022… and 2 million additional travelers compared to its first year of commissioning. .

This growth in traffic is the result of the Office’s strategy which places the customer experience at the heart of its system. The transport offerings, benefits and services offered both in stations and on board trains of all categories are continuously modernized.

Adapting supply to demand, diversification of the price range, modernization of distribution channels, renovation of passenger equipment, extension of stations and the enhancement of their spaces… everything is done to offer products and services in harmony with customer requirements.

The ONCF’s ambition has always been clear: to welcome travelers in friendly and functional stations and transport them on ever more frequent, faster, more punctual and more comfortable trains. This is how stations are transformed into welcoming and increasingly better equipped places to live. And the 78,000 passenger trains in circulation each year have a regularity rate of 91%. For Al Bouraq this rate even exceeds 96%.

This means that the era of checking in on late trains is over. The ONCF is now charting the path to socio-economic development and sustainable mobility.



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