Lozère cyclist Franck Delorme successfully completed his tour of Lozère “for the noble cause” in less than 40 hours

Lozère cyclist Franck Delorme successfully completed his tour of Lozère “for the noble cause” in less than 40 hours
Lozère cyclist Franck Delorme successfully completed his tour of Lozère “for the noble cause” in less than 40 hours

The Floracois left at 5:40 a.m. Monday June 17 and arrived in Florac early in the evening after covering 450 km and 8,200 m of elevation gain. He carried out this challenge on the profile of the association Du soleil en paediatrics, whose prize pool is still open.

“This tour of the department on a gravel bike promised to be splendid, it was idyllic!” enthuses cyclist Franck Delorme, after covering 450 km and 8,200 m of elevation gain. The 39-year-old Floracois wanted to complete this challenge in less than forty hours, and he did it. He left Monday June 17, 2024 at 5:40 a.m. and returned to his city the next day, early in the evening.

Supported along the way

This tour of Lozère was an opportunity for him to do charitable work. He carried out this sporting effort for the benefit of the Du Soleil en Pédiatrie association, which finances projects for children hospitalized in Mende. “Sweating for a good cause takes on its full meaning, I am so happy that this project has caused such enthusiasm”, continues the Lozérien. Although he completed this challenge in total autonomy, he was supported throughout his journey, notably at La Canourgue where the Cyclos de Malpas accompanied him for a few kilometers, and the Sacré-Coeur school made an appeal to donations. Several town halls also have “put his hand in his pocket”.

To make an online donation, go to the leetchi fundraiser “Le tour de Lozère pour la noble cause”, open until September 30, 2024. A tax deduction is possible, you must contact the association Du sun in pediatrics. It is also possible to write a check, to be deposited at the pediatric department of Mende hospital.


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