Culture – Leisure – Little girl

Culture – Leisure – Little girl
Culture – Leisure – Little girl

Find our complete file on summer literary festivals

1. Corsica, land of literary festivals

2. Other literary festivals returning to the summer programme

3. Zitellina – Give young people a taste for reading with Partir en livre

What are you reading for the holidays? Not too many ideas? With Leave in bookyou will certainly find some. Since 2015, throughout France, this event allows youth to discover the lecture free of charge through meetings and workshops.

Leave in book 2024 poster Leave in book

The objective: transmit the pleasure of reading. Whether it’s manga, comics, novels, sung readings, slam, illustration, there is something for everyone, something to make you happy, even if you don’t like reading. This year, the theme is sport, normal between the Euro football and the Olympic Games. A brief overview of the Partir en livre program in Corsica.

Slam, yoga et illustrations

Leave in Bastia Book Juana Macari

HAS Bastia, Since Wednesday, the Una Volta cultural center has launched hostilities. It must be said that they are regulars since they have been participating in the event for 9 years. The program is rich and varied, as Juana Macari, the director of Una Volta, explained to us: “Young people are reading less but book sales are holding up because the book as an object has a certain aura.”

To get you on the path to reading, you need to motivate yourself. This is what will happen, notably with workshops “very playful and very graphic” by Marseille illustrator Lisa Laubreaux who is offering to create your fan masks this Friday and tomorrow. Lines, patterns, fantasy and colors will take you into his offbeat universe.

Lisa Laureaux Going by book Bastia Lisa Laubreaux

If you prefer the musicality of words, go to the slam workshop, don’t be afraid, you’re not going to declaim your lyrics in front of everyone, without a net. No, you will create, play (with words) to ultimately learn to slam.

Finally, if for you reading means having a moment to yourself, try reading bubbles. “The idea is to take some time for yourself, inside yourself, like in a bubble,” Juana explains. It will take place on July 3 at the Lupino Arboretum, with yoga, creative workshops and reading aloud.

And in South Corsica?

If you’re near Ajaccio, it’s happening in the media libraries with the Olympic Games in sight at Cannes: quizzes, word games, agility and art. That of 3-Marie is organizing from July 11 to 18 at the citadel, the Cultural Olympics, a sporting and cultural challenge in the heart of the city (registration required). In Propriano, on July 17, the theme will be taken up for an afternoon of quizzes and games of all kinds. In Petreto-Bicchisano, it will be July 18 at the media library, an opportunity to discover the Olympic events with the game library.

In Pietrosella, on July 19, it is with your feet in the sand, on the Ruppione beach, and your head in the stars, that you can listen to tales in your pajamas, to have sweet dreams.

Free books with Nabook

The free books offered by Nabook to Leave as a book Nabook

Nabook is a reading platform for 7-14 year olds. Throughout the festival, it lets you access 8 titles for free. 8 books that highlight the theme of sport and its values, such as the essential Chien pourri! at the Olympic Games. Different styles and varied stories to make you want to read on vacation.

Information on how to access it on the Partir en website or on

Nice program, no?

Complete program on and



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