Legislative elections 2024. Patrice Grudé is LDF candidate in the second constituency of Mayenne

Legislative elections 2024. Patrice Grudé is LDF candidate in the second constituency of Mayenne
Legislative elections 2024. Patrice Grudé is LDF candidate in the second constituency of Mayenne

Patrice Grudé, resident of Ballée, in the south of Mayenne, is launching the Legislative campaign in the second constituency of Mayenne, under the label of the party he founded: Liberté Démocratique Française. “It’s an apolitical citizen movement”describes the railway safety supervisor.

Return to the franc, exit from the European Union

Close to union movements since he was 18, the 55-year-old man has never “never joined any party”. In 2018, he joined the Yellow Vest movement, then left it. “The Yellow Vests no longer functioned due to a lack of cohesion because there was no leader. With a few comrades, we said to ourselves that we had to come together.”

The French Democratic Liberty party was born this way. Its co-founder claims 310 members throughout France. French democratic freedom proposes “a restructuring aimed at returning France to a sovereign state rather than a society”. He advocates leaving the European Union or even a return to the franc.

Already head of the list in the last European elections, Patrice Grudé is engaging in a new battle, alongside his deputy, Thierry Touroude. “When we saw everything that was being put in place in the parties, we said to ourselves that we had to go where we could”. The party is represented in six constituencies in France, including the second in Mayenne.

By towing mailboxes and going to markets, Patrice Grudé will campaign around two themes: “Agriculture and health”.

To find details of the municipalities in each constituency, you can consult our interactive map.



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